Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Oprah Winfrey essays
Oprah Winfrey essays In a patriarchy dominated society, it has been uncommon for a woman to be a leader in the entertainment business. However, through the years, the growth of female entertainer has drastically grown. Women are beginning to donate more and more to the field. A female entertainer who has significantly changed the history of the entertainment industry and has also contributed strongly to growth in new areas is Oprah Winfrey. Oprah is evidence of how personal misfortune can become personal triumph (Harrison 85). Oprahs parents had never been married so she spent most of her influential years living between her mother, father, and grandparents. The constant relocating left her exposed to neglect and sexual abuse, which resulted in a disobedient mind-set. Oprahs father, Vernon Winfrey, was able to alleviate some the commotion by introducing her to church and having her to participate in church programs. As a child she was known as the little speaker. She would address church congregations as though she was an adult. At age 12, she delivered another speech in church and was paid $500. That was when Oprah knew what she wanted to do for a living: she wanted to be paid to talk (Igus). This was the beginning of a future in public speaking. In 1985, Oprah Winfrey became the first African American woman to host a nationally syndicated program (Everette 98). Oprah became so successful that she formed a production company, Harpo Productions, and bought her show. Harpo was inspired by Oprah spelled backwards. Forming this company made Oprah the first woman in history to own and produce her own talk show. Oprah is one of the top-rated talk show in television history, and Winfrey is one of the highest-paid entertainers in America (Everette 98). She has opened doors for not only African Americans, but also women in general. She ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Translating “May†to Spanish
Translating â€Å"May†to Spanish The English auxiliary verb may is commonly used in at least three different ways, and each of them is translated to Spanish differently: When ‘May’ Expresses Possibility Probably the most common use of may is to express possibility. In this way, the meaning is often roughly the same as the auxiliary verb might. This can be translated in different ways, but typically the Spanish would require the use of a verb in the subjunctive mood. Note how there is no single word in the following sample sentences that means may. The sentence in parentheses following the Spanish translation is a literal translation of the Spanish and should have roughly the same meaning as the original English sentence. They may make a new version of the book. (Es posible que hagan una nueva versià ³n del libro. It is possible that they will make a new version of the book.)She may be pregnant. (Es posible que està © embarazada. It is possible that she is pregnant.)There may be more than one for each person. (Tal vez haya ms de una para cada persona. Perhaps there is more than one for each person.)We may go to Cozumel for our honeymoon. (Posiblemente vayamos a pasar nuestra luna de miel a Cozumel. Possibly we will go to spend our honeymoon in Cozumel.)There may be 50 million of us in 2015. (Quiz seamos 50 millones en 2015. Maybe we will be 50 million in 2015.)She may not leave. (Puede que no salga. It can be that she doesnt leave.) A key, then, when translating to Spanish is to think of an alternative way to get the idea of may across. You can find other ways of translating this usage of may in this lesson on translating maybe. Note that in most cases there are several translations that would work, so your choice often will depend on context and the tone of voice you wish to use. When ‘May’ Is Used Used for Asking Permission May is commonly used when seeking permission to perform such action, or when giving permission. Generally, the verb poder gets the idea across well: May I go to the concert tonight? ( ¿Puedo ir al concierto esta noche?)Yes, you may go. (Sà , puedes ir.)May we get more information about our account? ( ¿Podemos obtener otra informacià ³n sobre nuestra cuenta?)If you have any questions, you may call me. (Si tienes preguntas, puedes llamarme.) Although in formal English speech a distinction is sometimes made between may and can, there is no need to make such a distinction in Spanish, as poder functions for both meanings. The verb permitir can also be used: May I smoke? ( ¿Me permite fumar? Literally, am I permitted to smoke?)May I visit the house? ( ¿Me permitieron ustedes visitar la casa?)May I leave tonight? (Me permites salir esta noche.) When ‘May’ Expresses Desire Although not especially common, may can be used to express a wish or desire. Sentences with that usage typically can be translated to a sentence beginning with que followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood: May he rest in peace. (Que en paz descanse.)May you live for many more years. (Que vivas muchos aà ±os ms.)May you have many more years of life! ( ¡Que tengas muchos aà ±os ms de vida!) Sentences such as these can also be translated using ojal que. May it rain tomorrow. (Ojal que llueva maà ±ana.)May you have many children. (Ojal que tengas muchos hijos.) ‘May’ in Sayings Some set phrases have meanings that often cant be translated word for word and need to be learned individually: Be that as it may. (Aunque asà sea.)Come what may. (Pase lo que pase.)Devil-may-care attitude. (Actitud arriesgada/temeraria.)May I help you? ( ¿En quà © puedo servirle?)We may as well study. (Ms vale que estudiemos.) The Month of May The Spanish word for the month of May is mayo. Note that in Spanish the names of the months arent capitalized. Key Takeaways When may is used to indicate that something is possible, the translation often uses the subjunctive mood.When may is used for seeking permission, it can often be translated using a form of the verb poder or permitir.When may is used to express some types of desire, it can often be translated using a sentence that begins with que or ojal que and is followed by a subjunctive verb.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Influences in the teaching enviroment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Influences in the teaching enviroment - Essay Example This primarily requires the teacher to understand the nature of disruptive behavior and form strategies to deal with such students. A good teacher is one who is prepared for everything and is always ahead of the students. A good teacher will never lose any of his/her audience. They will always maintain a connection and eye contact with the pack to ensure maximum participation (Ryan, & Patrick, 2001). The most common factors which lead to disruptive behavior of students in the classroom are the following The students lose interest in the subject and get bored from the confined environment. When the students lose their focus from the topic they start behaving in a disruptive manner. Misbehavior with the teacher and violating the rules of school by the students is the most common form of disruptive behavior. Students indulge into wrong habits or they feel good by bullying others. Some students deliberately behave badly to get noticed. They do this to get famous amongst their peers. Stud ents who are self centered and like it when people circle them while walking often argue without any reason. They think that they are always right and always have an argument ready. Some students genuinely have a bad behavior and they cannot do anything to control their behavior. Autism and other disorders like the spectrum disorder are observed in such students. This disruptive behavior which the students show affects the teachers and makes it difficult for them to control the class. A good teacher is one who exactly knows the audience they are addressing to. They maintain full contact with all the students and the lecture delivery is such that the students don’t feel bored at any point. For teachers it is said that when the attention of one student is lost the whole class is lost (Kaplan, Gheen, & Midgley, 2002). The classroom environment is very impulsive and volatile. The mood, reaction and the behavior of the students keep on changing. In professional education teachers fail to deliver because of disruption and misconduct in the behavior of the students. Disruptive behavior is like a virus, it spreads throughout the class. If one student misbehaves the whole class gets an urge to misbehave. The examples of disruptive and negative classroom environment behavior are Personal attack by the students either physical or verbal Excessive use of electronic devices in the classroom Leaving of class without the permission of the teacher Sleeping during classes and not paying heed to the teacher Ignoring teachers instructions and arguing with the teacher unnecessarily by showing an aggressive or hostile behavior Bullying the students or the teachers or portraying displeasure through an unacceptable behavior like shouting and arguing unnecessarily (Teaching Academy, n.d) The most efficient strategy which the teachers can use to deal with the disruptive behavior of the students is to ensure that the interest of the students is maintained constantly. The course material must be made interesting and relevancy of the subject must be delivered to the students. New methods and interactive techniques must be proposed to make learning and interaction easy like discussion, games and group activities. A teacher must encourage participation because it is the only way they could get feedback of whether the topic is being delivered to the students or not. This is the technology age and to attract the attention of the students new methods
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Noplace of My Place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Noplace of My Place - Essay Example This is how my bathroom appears to most people and, truth be told, how it appears to me as well during the regular routines of my day. But I don’t have to think about this now, and my mind drifts further. It is when the evening shadows lengthen into darkness and the house begins to quiet down that my bathroom takes on entirely new dimensions. Tonight, with my nerves frazzled by conflicting commitments, my ears buzzing with back-to-school crowds and my brain threatening massive overload at any moment, my bathroom becomes my own isolation chamber. Its stark whiteness promises to make no demands, its lack of ornamentation suggests no distractions and its small dimensions offer no threat. As the steam begins to rise from the depths of the bathtub basin, my body and mind sink like stones, one to the warm, smooth surface of my bathtub and the other to the field of soft purples and dusty blues of shapeless space suggested by the lavender bubble bath I added to the water. The gentle iridescent bubbles rise above my shoulders, relieving them of their burdens, at least for a little while. Tiny and lacy, the delicate bubbles suggest the true weight of my worries. With a soul-cleansing sigh, my body remembers the true shape of me. Of course, my bathroom doesn’t offer complete release from the cares and influences of the outside world. As the bubbles die down, I become more and more aware that the rest of the house hasn’t completely melted away. The monotonous babble of news announcers, not loud enough to do more than suggest a cadence, informs me who has control of the television remote. The occasional sudden rattle of the bathroom door announces the appearance of small ripples in the water as someone somewhere slams a door. I wonder if they’re aware, as I am, of the minor shockwaves that run through the house at these small bursts of energy displacement. But I know no one will enter my sanctuar y, no one will disturb my peace. As long as the white door of the bathroom remains closed, I am as unreachable as the sky to them.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Visual Art Analysis Paper Essay Example for Free
Visual Art Analysis Paper Essay Webster’s Dictionary defines Aesthetics as the branch of philosophy dealing with such notions as the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the comic, etc. , as applicable to the fine arts, with a view to establishing the meaning and the validity of critical judgments concerning works of art, and the principles underlying or justifying such judgments or the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty. The Dream of La Malinche is aesthetically pleasing despite the fact that I tend to not be attracted to Surrealism. However this artwork told a story that made me curious to find out who La Malinche really was? My first reaction to this artwork is to notice that the room that she is lying in is dark and shabby with exposed brick and a crack in the wall. Was this woman poor or was she labeled as not deserving better? Is this the aesthetically ugly side of life? Dark walls, broken woman. Yet sprawled on her hip is a beautiful church towering over a village in a fertile valley below. Aesthetically beautiful. Prosperity visible in the village and valley, and poverty in the room that La Malinche lies in. What a contrast! Denis Dutton (Aesthetic Universals), a philosopher identified seven universal traits for human See more: how to write an analysis of a research paper aesthetics. He claimed that technical artistic skills are cultivated and recognized. These skills can be admired. Though people admire art they do not expect it to keep food on their table. But it is expected to follow the rules of composition and to be identified as a certain style. Artwork will always be judged, and with few exceptions art will simulate life. Follow our experiences in life yet with a dramatic flair. Based on these traits La Malinche is beautifully orchestrated and very obviously a combination of a folk story and surrealism. Compared to other works by this artist, this particular painting tells a true story, a meaningful story that has played a part in this artist’s life. Visual Arts 3 Expression At the beginning of the 19th century, artists began to express their feelings through their art rather than through the faces painted on a canvas. The real La Malinche was thought to be a hero by some and a traitor by others. Mother of the Mestizo race and harlot to Cortez the explorer. Mexican artwork of this period tended to combine a woman with fertile land to express fertility to the viewer, so I believe this is some of what the artist was also trying to portray. I also love the symbolism between the mountains painted on her hip versus an actual mountain in Mexico named La Malinche. As I studied about Antonio Ruiz, he was referred to several times as a folk art artist besides being a surrealist. I think this art expresses his love for the history of his people and tells their story more adequately than words can express. I dare to call him a surrealist because I do not see where he is avoiding the unpleasantness of the life by wearing rose colored glasses. I feel that he is expressing the truth of the situation and the beauty that can be found amidst ugliness, accusations and tales. However Woman in World Histories Primary Sources claims the Malinche’s body is the ground supporting an unnamed village and church and her image is to invoke female Aztec deities. The metaphor is the Mexican nation is built on the groundwork of Malinche’s actions. So what expressive qualities does this painting have? The mood language is mysterious. It invokes curiosity. The dynamic state is intense and provoking. The Ideal language would be compassion, courage and fearlessness. Sensation This painting provokes a strong emotion in me. I am not sure that I would label it anger, but I feel a sense of injustice rise up inside me. I understand what the artist was trying to portray in this painting but I also know how I interpret this painting. In my interpretation I want to fight for the dignity of this woman who is treated with obvious disrespect based on the condition of Visual Arts 4 the room in which she lies while a village in a valley appears prosperous. And yet I feel an animosity toward the people who do not recognize the contribution that she made to their society or the number of lives that were probably spared. I feel the history of this story and the artist’s emotions. I feel that the woman in the bed carries a huge load on her shoulders. You can almost feel her despair and have to wonder what heart ache she carries within. Does this prosperous village in the valley sit ignorant of the sacrifices of this fearless woman? This woman instills hope and compassion and a sense of empowerment. It’s like being on an emotional rollercoaster yet the lines of this painting is also like a rollercoaster. The round mountain peaks, the curving roads and the rolling sheets over the woman. The curvy scrolls of the wrought iron bed all encompass this feeling of being on a rollercoaster. Formal Design This painting has been labeled as Surrealism. Surrealism was supposedly born from the Dada Movement. This â€Å"Dada Movement†was a banding together of artists who sought refuge from World War I in Europe. As they banded together they became like our early day protestors. Their art, poetry and music reflected their anti-war cries. After the war people wanted to get away from the intensity of darkness that so many paintings depicted and they wanted something to help them escape the everyday reality. So Surrealism became a way for them to combine dreams and fantasy with some reality. The Principles for all design are Unity, Balance, Dominance, Repetition, Rhythm, Contrast and Theme. There is a unity between the woman living in poverty and the prosperous village. Can there be prosperity without poverty? Or can there be poverty without prosperity? If the prosperous mountain were removed all this art would speak about is poverty. La Malinche would appear as a poor woman on a bed. Would you be curious about her Visual Arts 5 circumstances or would you feel compelled to look away? If La Malinche was removed from the painting you would just have a prosperous village living in a valley. A beautiful fairytale painting. Because the elements of this painting need each other and have unity, this painting has balance. The mountain on La Malinche’s hip gives this painting symmetry. It becomes almost the fulcrum of the painting. Everything balances around the central part of this painting. The mountain, the prosperity takes a dominant position in this painting which could suggest her success in rising above adversity. The rhythm in this painting would be the flow of the village across the sheets, and the flow of the sheets across the woman. There is this continuous theme flowing out from the village. The poverty, the dark room and the woman contrast with the light of the village and it’s prosperity. Each of these principals come together to form the theme of poverty and prosperity. Lightness and Dark. Realism and Surrealism. Technical Properties The Dream of La Malinche is painted on canvas with oils. If skill is truly based on the artists portrayal of his picture, than Ruiz has truly surpassed all other artists in portraying the history and story of this heroic figure. He has an incredible sense of color. And this painting reflects his own personal view on this historical figure. The lightening bolt (or crack in the wall as I call it) has depth to it. This painting does not have the usual bulkiness that you so often see in oil paintings. As an artist Antonio Ruiz is known for his draftsmanship skills. He is considered a great painter of small works and respected for his aesthetic quality. Visual Arts 6 References Dutton, D. , Aesthetic Universals Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Definition of Aesthetics
Thursday, November 14, 2019
My Philosophy of Education Essay -- Philosophy of Teaching Educational
My Philosophy of Education Is there a certain set of guidelines that need to be followed when teaching? If so, what should the main points of these rules be? I believe that when teaching, an instructor needs to consider the nature of the students and the importance of a good education. A teacher should also have some sort of idea about the teaching methods that should be used in the classroom. I believe that all students are capable of learning when given the opportunity. Children are not born evil. They are just simply born with a curiosity for new things. I think that the environment of a child affects their ability to learn. For instance, if a child is sent into a classroom where the temperature is constantly uncomfortable, the child’s attention will be diverted away from the lesson. A student needs to feel comfortable and relaxed when attempting to learn something new. I also feel that lessons should be taught on the level of the students because children do not think the same as adults do. They learn better through their experiences. Therefore, lessons should be as simple as possible and involve some sort of hands-on learning experiments. I think that the nature of knowledge is relative because the truth can vary depending on certain factors. These factors include the individual person, the time, and the place where the truth is created. I believe that a person can develop their own knowledge based upon their own personal beliefs and experiences, whereas, the absolute nature would require the truth to be discovered instead of created. The overall purpose of education is to teach children the skills that are needed to function in the real world. These skills allow the children to receive better jobs, which in turn... ...want my students to respect me; I do not want them to fear me. The areas of particular importance in the elementary curriculum are reading and writing. I will stress these areas because they are used in everyday life for entertainment and other activities. For example, many people read books or magazines to pass the time. Some people write in diaries or write letters to family and friends during their spare time. I believe that students need to have a firm grasp on these two subjects before pursuing further education. In conclusion, there are a set of guidelines that teachers need to follow. These rules are not universal but they are the personal beliefs and goals of the teacher. A teacher needs to have an idea about the nature of the students, the purpose of education, the teaching methods, and curriculum before attempting to educate a class full of students.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Prejudice and Discrimination Essay
Traveling had always been something I looked forward to. Seeing other parts of the world, visiting other countries; just the idea of it brought more joy then most things would. Sadly though, that is not the experience that I encountered while travelling to South Africa. Even though it was their native land, the locals in South Africa faced an overwhelming amount of discrimination; it was completely heart breaking to witness. Taking into the history of South Africa, with the concept that â€Å"blacks [are] inferior to whites†, (MALEMA, 2010, para. or in other words; the apartheid, where black people were simply less than white, and that was the acceptable way of life, it is not terribly hard to imagine that some discrimination still lives in South Africa today. With the apartheid not officially in existence at this current time, most people would, and do assume that the discrimination had come to an end and all people of every race and ethnicity live in peace with each other in South Africa, but as it is; old habits are hard to break. White people are still treating black people as though they were not really people and black people are subjected to the upper hand that the white members of society have had for years upon years without having much, if any power to change it. The apartheid does have a National party, people still do believe in it who live in South Africa, and while those who stand up for the truth of the matter protest and stand in opposition to it, the apartheid and the people that support it end up on top; for now. With South Africa going officially and publically to a democratic system and abandoning the incorrect and discriminatory ways of the apartheid, hope reenters the scene for Black Americans. During the time of the apartheid, â€Å"the ruling National Party’s goal was to secure White control and promote racial separation by classifying all South Africans into White, Black, Colored (i. e. , those of mixed race), or Asian ethnic categories†(Kon ZR, 1998, para. ). Within South Africa, while under the apartheid the only race that existed was White Africans. All other Africans, whether Black or Asian, was looked upon as not being a race, they were less than human, there only to serve White Africans. While the ethnicities of at least the locals in South Africa are the same, the race does differ from town to town. The natives born in South Africa all share the same background giving them the same culture in a sense, yet under the apartheid the difference in race between White and everyone else made all of the difference in the world. The new turn to the democratic system is anything but segregation of the races. Much like in my own homeland of North America, more specifically, The United States of America, where democracy is an everyday occurrence, South Africa’s goal of democracy will involve a turning point to some sort of equality between white Americans and all other races in South Africa besides the white community. However, much like in America, South Africa will tumble and stumble for years with this turning point. It already has been years since the South Africa Country has turned democratic, and still today, there lies in the towns much racism and discrimination. To spare the cruelty of how extreme the discrimination in South Africa got, a much calmer example is when I went to the local store that was owned by White Africans who still lived by the ruling of the apartheid. I saw a Black couple walk into the store, shop around, and when it was time to leave, the owner refused to talk to them or serve them. The all the couple needed was milk and diapers for their newborn, but the cashier, who was White, looked right through them. A white woman pushed her way past the Black couple and was waited on promptly by the cashier, and as the Black couple got the hint, they placed the items back, and walked away. The saddest part though, is after they left, I saw the cashier grab some gloves, go over to the items that the couple had touched and discarded them in the trash. Discrimination is a crime, and it sadly still exists in society today; most likely because some White people still believe that all other races were created inferior to them and are solely there to serve as salves, but obviously, that is not the truth, and though South Africa made the correct change to democracy to amend that false assumption, that preconceived notion still lives on today. Sadly, it is found true, not in the papers, studies, statistics, or facts; that the law, no matter how much it might point toward and push to equality falls oh so short so often. The truth of this falling is found on the streets, in the towns, in schools, and between neighbors. It is seen in the grocery store, on the sidewalks, and through the windows. Regardless of the National party South Africa, the local parties South Africa (the locals) do not always agree with the change in place, and still treat everyone that is ot white as though they were not even human. A law does not change a person’s heart. The law may change the actions of a person, for fear of the consequence to the actual law, but the hardness that lives in the hearts of the white communities in South Africa have had years and years to build up and linger. Changing the political system is a start, and indeed, is a help; but it is not the answer. What is the answer? I have some ideas, but surely, there is no cove r all answer that will magically fix discrimination. The first eye glance that I saw while I was in South Africa made me realize that one of the best things to do for them in order to climb the ladder to equality is to point out to them that the hardness in their hearts are still there; that while they might have changed what is written on paper, the things that are engraved on their hearts are still there, and firmer than ever. The second thing that I know all Americans, not just this one person, can do is to be an example. In North America, we have faced racism, discrimination, inequality of men and women; in short, we have faced and overcome the things that South Africa faces today. And while I recognize them as an independent country, as North America is one of the largest and strongest countries, we should also be the best. We, as a country should stand up and stop the discrimination that happens on our streets, in our schools, and at work. We have no right to scold South Africa of their discrimination until or unless we have settled our own issues of discrimination. And even then, a scolding is not what is necessary. What is needed is an understanding, and assistance; we need to set an example. I know that I am just one reporter writing one article, and I am sure readers are wondering why I am speaking so passionately about this subject, or what I expect out of the readers in all honesty. I know that this is not a regular article that the newspaper readers are used to, but I also know that this is a great way to speak, not only of the negativity of discrimination and how bad it is or how bad it is getting. This chance is also a chance to show that some people care more about how to change it from getting bad to getting better. That though one person cannot change the world, one small deed can do great things, and the more people that take that initiative, the more great things will happen. I would sincerely encourage anyone that could, to visit South Africa. Brace yourselves if you do, the discrimination really is horrible, people that are not white still, have little chances of making much of themselves, and the AIDS that are in the country is as common as the America cold, but the truth is within the people. Black Americans in South Africa have the hope, they just need the help. If you cannot make it to visit, send a letter, make a wish, sit back, if only for a moment, and give them a second of your time to think about them; where they are, where they have been, and where they could go. Discrimination not only affects those who are being discriminated against, but also those who miss out on the opportunity to know, work with, and live around all the other races. They all miss out on the unifying truth that everyone is a person; their own individual humanistic self that has so much more to offer than the color of their skin.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Professional Studies Essay
The word ethics originates from the Greek term ethos. Ethos means customs, habitual usage, conduct, and character. The study of ethics has led to establishing key nursing principles such as, autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, veracity, confidentiality, accountability and fidelity. These key principles help nurses deal with ethical or legal dilemmas. Ethics help by identifying standards, create a framework for ethical dilemmas and maintain human rights, and ethical values. Ethics help to make nurse practice safe, but also promote a positive outcome for the patient. This essay explores and identifys legal and ethical issues, from a case study, that nurses are faced with every day. The Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia was first developed in 1993 under the auspices of the Australian Nursing Council Inc. , Royal College of Nursing, Australia and the Australian Nursing Federation. In 2000 these peak organisations agreed to undertake a joint project to review the Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics is supported by the Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia. While the Code of Ethics focuses on the ethics and ideals of the profession, the Code of Professional Conduct identifies the minimum requirements for practice in the profession, and focuses on the clarification of professional misconduct and unprofessional conduct. The two Codes, together with published practice standards, provide a framework for nursing. Individuals have the right to make decisions related to their own health care, based on accurate and complete information given by health care providers. Nurses must be satisfied that they have the person’s consent for any care or treatment they are providing. If individuals are not able to provide consent for themselves, nurses have a role in ensuring that valid consent is obtained from the appropriate substitute decision- maker. Nurses have a responsibility to inform people about the nursing care that is available to them, and people are entitled morally to accept or reject such care. Nurses have a responsibility to respect the decisions made by each individual. his principle states that an ethical theory should allow people to reign over themselves and to be able to make decisions that apply to their lives. This means that people should have control over their lives as much as possible because they are the only people who completely understand their chosen type of lifestyle. Each man deserves respect because only he has had those exact life experiences and understands his emotions, motivations and body in such an intimate manner. In essence, this ethical principle is an extension of the ethical principle of beneficence because a person who is independent usually prefers to have control over his life experiences in order to obtain the lifestyle that he enjoys The principle of beneficence guides the ethical theory to do what is good. This priority to â€Å"do good†makes an ethical perspective and possible solution to an ethical dilemma acceptable. This principle is also related to the principle of utility, which states that we should attempt generate the largest ratio of good over evil possible in the world (2). This principle stipulates that ethical theories should strive to achieve the greatest amount of good because people benefit from the most good. This principle is mainly associated with the utilitarian ethical theory found in the following section of this paper. An example of â€Å"doing good†is found in the practice of medicine in which the health of an individual is bettered by treatment from a physician (1,2).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Valentines Day Quotes for the Single Person
Valentine's Day Quotes for the Single Person If you are single, then Valentines Day may not be the best time of the year for you. In fact, some are calling it, Singles Awareness Day. Seeing other people celebrating their love can make you a little envious. Even if you have a great life and arent actively seeking a partner, its easy to start hating on the holiday and perhaps feeling sorry for yourself. However, dont be let down. Lift your sagging spirits by reading these Valentines quotes and by dreaming of your own happily-ever-after. It doesnt have to include a knight in shining armor or a princess to be rescued. Mike Primavera You are never alone on Valentines Day if youre near a lake and have bread. KushandWizdom.tumblr I am constantly torn between I dont need anyone and Hey you, please fall in love with me. Emily Heller Ive been single for a while and I have to say, its going very well. Like... Its working out. I think Im the one. Robert Burton No cord or cable can so forcibly draw, or hold so fast, as love can do with a twined thread. Alexandra Penney The ultimate test of a relationship is to disagree but to hold hands. Mignon McLaughlin No one can understand love who has not experienced infatuation. And no one can understand infatuation, no matter how many times he has experienced it. Anonymous A kiss is something you cannot give without taking and cannot take without giving. Theodor Reik The lover is a monotheist who knows that other people worship different gods but cannot himself imagine that there could be other gods. Henny Youngman A kiss is the shortest distance between two. Mae West I have found men who didnt know how to kiss. Ive always found time to teach them. Marguerite de Valois It is the same in love as in war; a fortress that parleys is half taken. Todd Ruthman It is the things in common that make relationships enjoyable, but it is the little differences that make them interesting. William Shakespeare Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind. Aerosmith Falling in love is so hard on the knees. Anonymous True love is when you put someone on a pedestal, and they fall - but you are there to catch them. Mignon McLaughlin In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing. Jacques Benigne Bossuel The heart has reasons that reason does not understand. Philip Robinson And when the future hinges on the next words that are said, dont let logic interfere, believe your heart instead. Luciano de Crescenzo We are, each of us angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another. Julius Gordon Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less. Aristotle Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Post Racial Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Post Racial Society - Essay Example Since an African American male was now elected President of America, it seemed evident that race no longer had the ability to prevent or impede success for minorities; however, this belief was not necessarily valid. In his essay titled, â€Å"Post-Racialism,†writer, Sumi Cho examines the impact which President Obama’s Presidency has had on race relations: â€Å"In addition to the material retreat from race, post-racialism also levels the discursive playing field, allowing whites to oppose civil-rights remedies and advocate for race-neutral policies because society has transcended the racial moment, or civil-rights era†(p. 1594). According to Cho, the election of President Obama and the creation of a post-racialism society, allows non-minorities to assess the need for race-centered incentives for minority groups, such as affirmative action. However, as the current statistics show, minority groups have never been in more need of assistance. Although President Oba ma has succeeded as an African American male, the statistics concerning unemployment, poverty, and imprisonment, still reveal a need for equality among races in
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