Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Dickens created Essay
All the characters that Dickens’s has labelled criminals, Toby Crackit, Mr Chitling and Kags Adress and respond to each other very sarcastically and also very aggressively, in a way that suggests to the reader that they are not all friends as you first think and that they have no loyalty to each other and are just with each other because they have the same basis of work and business ethics. Fagin is described in chapter 50 as he is getting arrested as a rough, battling character struggling with the police and being all muddy and bleeding, Dickens has put Fagin in this situation which could best describe him and what he is all about, not necessarily his features, but his links with the police and his links with crime. Dickens describes the main criminal in chapter 50 at his lowest point, when he enters that room with his fellow criminals, ‘Blanched face, sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, beard of three days’ growth, wasted flesh, short thick breath; it was the very ghost of Sikes. This sentence is full of short descriptive sentences that are saying to the readers that Sikes is destroyed, he has been hiding away for the crime of murder and is just a translucent figure of Sikes when he used to be a strong and ironically ghastly figure with no power, Sikes is now battered, Sikes has now got nothing and Sikes is on the run! Leading up to the climax of chapter 50 Dickens describes the mob of Londoners chasing down Sikes in the tight alleys and roads of London, he depicts them as a crowd of a ‘strong struggling current of angry faces’ that are all out after Sikes ‘the murderer’, Dickens has used those descriptions to show the sheer scale of the force wanting to capture this one man, a current of people, suggesting it is like a river of people flowing along the streets. Later in the scene an old man cries ‘I will give fifty pounds to the man who takes him alive’, fifty pounds in those times was an enormous amount of money which again shows the sheer scale of the wanting of this man. The climax is ultimately the death of Bill Sikes in this chapter, when Sikes is on that roof ready to try his escape Dickens finally de-humanises the villain at last by instead of calling him Sikes calling him ‘the murderer’ to tell the audience just exactly what he is, which is nothing. The way Dickens depicts the death of Sikes is very dramatic in the way that he dies, jumping off a roof and accidentally hanging yourself isn’t the best way to go or the most common in any story, Dickens used this way of death to give justice, melodrama and a gothic feel which would add real feel to how the audience would feel at the death of a person who has been hated by most throughout the whole story. The speed of Sikes death is quite important, the use of verbs such as staggering, tumbled, which is when Sikes loses his balance and goes over the edge of the building. Sikes death is also set at night time to add a little more drama and a chase factor to the dramatic end. The noose in those times was common for convicted murderers to receive when arrested, so for Sikes to die in a noose was justified in the end. Dickens had a message to the reader in the end of this chapter which is to draw attention to a range of social injustices in those times, which means a lot of people getting away with crimes which obviously dickens felt strongly about, Dickens didn’t just simply tell people about this he used a range of techniques to excite the reader and to please the reader. Overall Dickens created this chapter to avenge Nancy’s death, we know this because Sikes cries ‘The eyes again! ‘ referring to Nancy’s eyes. Which leaves the reader feeling happy about Sikes death and making the reader want to read his next edition in his paper.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Oscar Wilde The Selfish Giant
First of all, in order to either agree or disagree with the statement regarding Wilde's respect for children we must identify the author's tone in his narrative, â€Å"The selfish Giant†. Since it is through the complex process of speech that the author reveals his attitudes to what he is talking about, his relation to his auditor or receiver, and his assumptions about the social level, intelligence, experience, values, and sensitivity of that person. Considering this, Oscar Wilde clearly has a kind and respectful attitude towards his plot and towards the reader of The Selfish Giant. His tone refers to childhood and the conflicts around it. It perceptible due to the fact that we are conscious of a voice beyond the voices of the characters that speak in the tale. We recognize the fact that there is a voice behind all the dramatis personae, even behind the third-person narrator. This is the sense of a pervasive authorial presence that communicates through the characters a world view. Consider, for example, the tone of the following passages in Wilde's The Selfish Giant: â€Å"My own garden is my own garden,†said the Giant; â€Å"any one can understand that, and I will allow nobody to play in it but myself.†â€Å"Only in the garden of the Selfish Giant it was still winter. The birds did not care to sing in it as there were no children, and the trees forgot to blossom. Once a beautiful flower put its head out from the grass, but when it saw the notice-board it was so sorry for the children that it slipped back into the ground again, and went off to sleep.†â€Å"And the Giant's heart melted as he looked out. â€Å"How selfish I have been!†he said; â€Å"now I know why the Spring would not come here. I will put that poor little boy on the top of the tree, and then I will knock down the wall, and my garden shall be the children's playground for ever and ever.†He was really very sorry for what he had done.†Second, the characterization of the protagonist is done by the narrator and also through the dialogues, which is undoubtedly the briefest and best form of character delineation since a long description of a character asks the reader to believe rather than deduct; and not all narrators are reliable either. By contrasting the children and the giant, the reader is lead to have a negative perception of the giant and sympathize with the children: â€Å"After the seven years were over he had said all that he had to say, for his conversation was limited, and he determined to return to his own castle.†â€Å"‘What are you doing here?' he cried in a very gruff voice, and the children ran away.†â€Å"He was a very selfish Giant.†Later on, when the giant and children start to share the same garden, and the same feelings, the giant is described with a different connotation: â€Å"Years went over, and the Giant grew very old and feeble. He could not play about any more, so he sat in a huge armchair, and watched the children at their games, and admired his garden. â€Å"I have many beautiful flowers,†he said; â€Å"but the children are the most beautiful flowers of all.††The characterization of the protagonist follows a development through, which is directly associated with the atmosphere and the setting. The changes that take place inside the giant's character and inside the garden are attached to each other. In addition, the action of The Selfish Giant takes place almost entirely in the Giant's property, inside the house and in the Garden, whose changes are directly related to the plot. The setting plays an important role in the dramatic events. The Garden is essential because it creates a feeling of verisimilitude or realism, since a garden is a known setting for kids. Besides, it's not merely a place of action, it is an acting place. It is a thematic space in that it assumes a thematic function, the atmosphere. The actions are shaped and somewhat predetermined by the nature of the place or setting. The Garden act as a kind of characterization device – The giant character feelings step backwards and forge ahead as the garden does, and so it happens the other way around. The Giant comes from an insensitivite and self-isolated state to the discovery of the beauty itself and the beauty of childhood, and also to a self-discovery. Therefore, the garden also follows his changes. â€Å"When they saw that the Giant was not wicked any longer, came running back, and with them came the Spring. â€Å"It is your garden now, little children,†said the Giant, and he took a great axe and knocked down the wall. And when the people were going to market at twelve o'clock they found the Giant playing with the children in the most beautiful garden they had ever seen.†Thus, Wilde uses setting and space thematically and symbolically. Most of the events in Wilde's Selfish Giant take place inside the garden. Since one of the main themes of the novel is childhood, Wilde contrasts adults and children behavior towards nature and simple things of life by opposing two settings when the manifest behaviors are in contrast: Inside the giant's house, where the nature becomes abnormal, and outside the garden, where nature takes its course without changes. â€Å"The poor children had now nowhere to play. They tried to play on the road, but the road was very dusty and full of hard stones, and they did not like it. They used to wander round the high wall when their lessons were over, and talk about the beautiful garden inside. â€Å"How happy we were there,†they said to each other.†Besides, there are plenty of symbology in the story, starting with the names of the characters. There are several fertile words in the story, the words that suggest the most to the reader. Wilde suggests all in a few lines resulting in a single concentrated impression, as a result of it the narrative moves swiftly. In the tale, the Spring is a humanized character, and so are the Winter, the North Wind, the Hail, the Frost, and the Snow. The phenomena of nature stand for complex ideas or emotions associated with it. The Giant is a symbol too, he doesn't even have a first name, so that he represents a whole group of people sharing the same idea. In opposite to children's ideas, he could represent adults, in which connotation, denotation and symbolism combine to form a multiplicity of meanings. Also, by the naming the characters by the words of â€Å"giant†, â€Å"The spring†, â€Å"The Winter†, and other characters which are not usual in the real world, the narrator intimates that the story is likely to have an atmosphere of a fairy tale (in this case, about the adult's world getting in contact with the children's world), as far as genre is concerned, or at least that the plot involves some magic or unnatural events, more specifically the climate, which reflects the mood of the giant himself.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Immune Response and Hypersensitivity
Axia College Material Appendix C Immune Response and Hypersensitivity Puncture Wound Multimedia Activity After completing the Puncture Wound Multimedia Activity, complete the table below. List the four events of the inflammatory response covered in the activity in the order of occurrence. Rewrite the events in your own words, using vocabulary terms from Ch. 2 of the text. Vascular Events in an Inflammatory Response |Events |Simplified description of event |Professional description of event | |1st |Germs from the nail are introduced below the skin. The skin is broken in some way, in this case by a nail | | | |puncturing the skin. When this occurs, it allows the entry | | | |of pathogens (germs such as bacteria) into the wound. | |2nd |Surrounding cells leak fluid that affects the blood |An immediate local innate response in the infected tissues | | |vessels. is generated by components of the immune system which are | | | |present in those tissues.Those components of the immune | | | | system include macrophages (a type of white blood cell) and | | | |complement proteins (proteins that are involved in the | | | |initial immune response). |3rd |The fluid affecting the surrounding blood vessels causes |Other immune cells (such as neutrophils), leave the | | |the release of other cells into the tissue. |circulation, attracted by the inflammatory mediators | | | |released by the mast cells and enter the wounded area. | |4th |As the wounded part of the body reacts to the germs, |The neutrophil cells attack the pathogens that have entered | | |certain cells destroy these germs. |the wound and begin to kill them.In the meantime, another | | | |specialized immune cell, known as the dendrite cell, carried| | | |parts of the dead pathogen back to the nearby lymphatic | | | |system. | Hypersensitivity Give a brief description and example in your own words for each of the four types of hypersensitivity presented in Ch. 2. Hypersensitivity Matrix Type of Hypersensitivity |Desc ription |Example | |Type I: Allergic/Anaphylactic |Anaphylaxis is an acute|Anaphylaxis is often triggered by substances that are injected or ingested and | | |multi-system severe |thereby gain access into the blood stream. An explosive reaction involving the skin,| | |type I hypersensitivity|lungs, nose, throat, and gastrointestinal tract can then result. | | |reaction. | |Type II: Cytotoxic/Cytolytic |Cytotoxic are caused by|The reaction of the antibody attachment leads to the activation of complement | | |antibodies, which |proteins (again, encountered earlier). The complement proteins destroy the person's | | |attach to a person's |own blood cells.Type II reactions often occur in incompatible blood transfusions. | | |own blood cells or | | | |tissue cells. | |Type III: Immune Complex |An immune complex is |After an antigen-antibody reaction, the immune complexes can be subject to any of a | | |formed from the |number of responses, including complement deposition , opsonization, phagocytosis, or| | |integral binding of an |processing by proteases. | | |antibody to a soluble | | | |antigen. | |Type IV: Cell-mediated/Delayed|Type IV (cell-mediated)|Cell-mediated immunity is directed primarily at microbes that survive | | |reactions appear 12-72 |in phagocytes and microbes that infect non-phagocytic cells. | | |hours after exposure to| | | |an allergen. | |
The Treaty On The Functioning Of The European Union Essay
The Treaty On The Functioning Of The European Union - Essay Example It also explains article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union briefly. Two cases that relate to article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union have been selected for comparison in this paper. One case is related to pharmaceutical industry while other is related to the use of the internet. The cases have been selected from different sectors to present a better understanding of the course. The cases selected in the paper have been decided by the Commission and reached the European Courts and the decisions of the cases have been made by the respective courts. The cases selected are not very old or rather they are recent cases. The facts and decisions of both the cases are presented separately and the decisions of both the cases are analyzed considering their significance, the implications of the decision including academic and political opinion on the case. Formerly Article 101 and Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Uni on (TFEU) were Article 1 and Article 82 of the EC Treaty respectively before the enforcement of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009. Before the Lisbon treaty the General Court was also called the Court of First Instance (CFI). Background information relating to competition policy Competition is necessary for any market as it is the basic mechanism of any economy encouraging businesses to offer their products and services to consumers on favorable terms. It is also essential to improve efficiency, to encourage innovation and to reduce prices. The competition can only be effective if companies act independently under the competitive pressure which is exerted by other companies. According to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union there are two central rules which are the foundation of the European antitrust policy: First, the Article 101 of the Treaty prohibits any agreement between two or more independent companies which restricts competition. This provision of the A rticle 101 is applicable to both horizontal agreements (between competitors which operate at same level of the supply chain) and vertical agreements (between companies which operate at different levels, i.e. agreement between a producer and its dealer). There are only a few limited exceptions from the provisions of the Article 101. The most reprehensible example which infringes Article 101 is the introduction of a ‘cartel’ which an illegal conduct involving price-fixing or / and market sharing. Second, the Article 102 of the treaty prohibits companies from holding and abusing its dominant position on a particular market. The most infringing examples are by charging inappropriate prices, by reducing the amount of production, or by not innovating as per the prejudice of the customers (Cseres, 2010). The Treaty has empowered the Commission for applying these rules of prohibition and investigating the violations of the rules of prohibition. The commission is given a number of powers to investigate those ends by inspecting their premises, both business and non-business and writing for seeking information from them. It is also empowered for imposing penalties on businesses violating the antitrust rules of the European Union. The main rules and the procedures of applying the rules of Articles 101 and 102 of TEFU are described in Council Regulation (EC) 1/2003. The National Competition Authorities (NCA) were given authorities and powers to apply Articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty in May 2004 so that the distortion or restriction of competition can be ensured. The Treaty also provides individual rights to citizen which are
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The questions below are of a generic nature Essay
The questions below are of a generic nature - Essay Example However, according to many experts the situation is not yet under control. The world is still passing through the worst economic and financial times. Stock markets are showing sluggish movements and recently there have been sharp decline in the international stock markets. Large financial institutions have collapsed which has been the biggest shock to the financial world. Rescue of these banks have involved huge amounts of money for bail outs. The government of the respective countries have provided lump sum amount of money (that have run upto many trillion dollars in the United States alone) to these failed banks for rescuing them. In the United States the Federal Government has followed the Keynesian theory of economics. As recession set in, policymakers have not left the economy to the forces of the market that might autocorrect the market and improve the condition of low aggregate demand. They have intervened with fiscal and monetary policy changes, so as to augment economic acti vities in the country. Interest rates were reduced as an immediate response to the crisis (Velde, 2008). This paper looks at the causes of the GFC and the responses of the government to this crisis. The main aim of this article is to research the protectionist activities of the governments in reflex to the harm caused to these economies by recessionary pressure. In this light the preventive measures of the governments have been studied to understand the course of action adopted by the global economy to prevent the recurrence of a situation similar to the Great Depression of the 1930s. Causes of the GFC The causes of the GFC are manifold and analysts have not come to any particular agreement about the actual reasons that have eventually led to the financial crisis of such a huge dimension. Yet it is commonly agreed that GFC has occur due to the combined effect of the shocks faced by the real estate market in the United States and the European countries on one hand, and the increasing risk premia for the corporate firms and the investment banks on the other (Stoeckel, 2009). The shocks in the global financial market have potentially created strong contractions in international trade. The root to the financial crisis can be traced to the collapse of a number of large and influential financial institutions in the United Sates and the Europe. Among them, the most notable mortgage bank failures are Lehman Brothers, Northern Rock and Bear Sterns. As these banks filed for bankruptcy, a wave of apprehension ran through the most established financial markets of the western world. In this situation, banks curtailed their lending facilities to other banks which increased the risk premium on interbank borrowing. This rate increased steadily from near 0 to 5 per cent. On corporate bonds this risk increased to more than 6 per cent. In spite of efforts by the government to increase liquidity levels in the market, the financial markets crashed inevitably. The economic slowdown started with the shelving of big corporate projects. Therefore, the primary borrowers in the economy (i.e., the large corporate firms) stopped lending money from the banks. On other side of the coin, obtaining credit for commercial purposes became difficult. This causes the great financial crisis. Since credit facilities dried up, corporate firms had to revise their investment decisions. They faced a
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Judaism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Judaism - Essay Example These beliefs basically constitute a significant part of â€Å"The Thirteen Principles of Faith†which is the heart of the Torah according to Maimonides, the Jewish philosopher and rabbi who compiled and referred to it as â€Å"Shloshah Asar Ikkarim†in Hebrew (Maimonides). Talmud, being the central text of Judaism or the most essential collection of the Jewish oral tradition, necessitates for its rabbinic substance to be put in translation from written principles and thought into actual behavior by each Jew. Through â€Å"The Thirteen Principles of Faith†, the Jews acknowledge the existence of one Creator who, in perfect unity or singularity, is considered the ‘primary cause’ of all that exists. Moreover, God is absolute, non-corporeal, and eternal by nature so that it is an imperative principle for the Jews to worship this same God alone and cast off the rest which are false gods. While the prophet Moses is regarded by the Jews as highly crucial in conveying the chief prophecy and the â€Å"Ten Commandments†of God, the revelation at Mt. Sinai is taken as a profoundly valuable occurrence in which Hashem (God) revealed in front of 600,000 Jews at the foot of the mountain that He chose these people to comprise His nation. By â€Å"The Thirteen Principles of Faith†, the Torah is further believed to possess divine origin and immutability. The omniscience and providence of God as well as the divine reward and retribution are altogether inclusive of the core principles of Judaism which similarly hold in great account the Jewish faith upon the coming of the ‘Messiah’ and the resurrection of the dead. On the other hand, the dispersal of the Jewish people from their ancestral homeland which is widely known as the ‘Diaspora’ began the time when a population of Jews were exiled from Israel by their Babylonian conquerors in the 6th
Friday, July 26, 2019
The importance of family through crises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The importance of family through crises - Essay Example Her Graphic novel Persepolis brings out a clear picture of the revolutions that took place in Iran when she was young and how it had negative impact to the population. During the revolution the populations experienced inhuman treatment and torture from the shah regime. As a result, majority of the people lost their lives in their own mother land due to ruthless treatment and persecution that was the order of the day. The narrator of the novel is much interested in history of Iran and what might have led to the persistent wars and struggles. In this case she much concentrates on the revolutions and the main agents of the revolutions. At her tender age, she does not understand the reason why the Iranian women put on veil and the reason why her country does not permit the adoption of western cultures and ideas. This comes at a time whereby the government demands each and every female head should put on a veil as a sign of respect to the Islamic culture (Satrapi, 2007) The story depicts the character trait of people who surround her. For instance, her mother is portrayed as a good advocate for the rights of women and the guardian of the revolution. Through the crises she join strong forces to ban the forcefully imposition of women to put on veil. As an activist she clearly understands her rights and in this case she does not allow to be intimidated by the Islamic laws. Marjane father is portrayed as a caring father. He stands out as a strong contender of the freedom of individuals supporting his family all through. He respects the decisions made by her daughter and promotes her liberty. As the story continues we learn that even though Marjane father comes out to be liberal, she points out that he did not have much influence to her life. In this case she owns much to her uncle and her grandmother. Marjane grandmother is also a caring woman as depicted throughout in the novel. The novel depicts several crises that revolve around Iranian community. Throughout the cris es Marjane family is able to stand up and defend their rights. Her close relation with her parents created in her the ability to air out her voice in tough circumstances. Her ideas and concepts about religion are shaped up by her parents who even give her the freedom to freely participate in social activities with her friends. She attends a school where there is separation of sexes in the essence that girls and boys are not allowed to mingle freely as this is against the Islamic faith. Her parents turn out to be great supporters of liberty and education this is evidently seen when they send their daughter to go and study abroad even after she is expelled from her home school. They place much emphasizes on the importance of education throughout Marijane life, his further supports her idea of marriage even though he knew it was not going to work. In this case they give her liberty to make her own decision so as to learn from her own experience. The family in this concept comes out as a source of comfort and support throughout the life of the narrator. This support is very essential in the sense that it gives an individual the ability to know how to address and deal with conflict. The family has molded her in such a way that she can stand up and defend her rights. In the novel it is depicted that her values clash with the values of the society. For instance, she has a own rules, wears chains to school and even smoke all these are against Iranian religion and culture. Her
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The program Meet the Press with David Gregory Assignment
The program Meet the Press with David Gregory - Assignment Example He further stated that this was a great mistake on the part of President Obama, and may cost his party the November elections. He also stated that the reforms would not come into effect until 2014, but that the tax increases and Medicare cuts would go into effect as soon as the bill was passed. On a similar note, in the debate between Republican National Committee Michael Steele said that the bill was clearly a form of government takeover, and was against all that America stood for, therefore, the outrage against it is legitimate. He, however, did admit that some steps by the Tea Party Activists were excessive and not supported by the Republican Party, like the racial and bigoted comments made to some of the Congressmen. Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine supported the bill and said that the people’s support would be won once the bill came into effect and people saw the benefits of the reforms, because in essence people wanted all of this, but were misled by the statements of the Republicans. However, both of them, in answer to David Gregory’s question, said that they were hopeful for bipartisan agreement on future projects/bills, with Tim Kaine citing an article by two Senators, that talked about a bipartisan agreement on the issue of immigratio n reform. Chuck Todd had some reservations about the purported success of the program. Whereas Democrat Anita Dunn and Republican Ed Gillespie, true to their party affiliations, stuck to their party’s stance on the issue. Democrat Anita Dunn pointed out that healthcare reform has been an issue for the past century, and it is brave of President Obama to try to tackle it head-on. She said that the winners in the scenario would be the Americans who will no longer need to be worried about their insurance and that the Republicans were using scare tactics to get the people into believing things about the healthcare bill that are not true. Ed Gillespie stated that the decision of President Obama will be historic, but in the sense that it is a bad one.Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Project management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Project management - Research Paper Example In such cases there may be no time for iterations even if it means compromising on product quality. The adaptive model solves these problems and delivers solution according to the situation. This is an excellent model and would fail only if the project team is incompetent to adapt to the changing objectives. Extreme PMLC model has a high probability of failing at each step because the objectives are not known beforehand and are derived from previous phases. Thus, there is a high chance of going awry. The risks associated with this model can be mitigated by high level of client involvement (Wysocki & Rudd, 2003). Critical path chain method proves to be more efficient than critical path method for project management. Critical chain method helps in reducing the project duration by about 30% generally. It leads to better utilization of resources. The critical and non-critical tasks are both given equal attention in this method. Critical path chain method makes optimum use of buffers which is not done in case of critical path method. It also adds the best practices from PMBOK, Lean and Six Sigma to critical path method. For example, Critical path method if used by Navy would tell the critical path but would give misleading information because a number of days in between are safety days or lags which the navy cannot afford. The same are removed in critical path chain
Annual Rreport Analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Annual Rreport Analysis - Coursework Example More significantly, financial analysis measures the financial performance of a company as in terms of profitability and investment ratios in its operations. As a result, financial analysis of a company, through the financial ratio allows the management to carry out both firms performance and the trend analysis performance for specific years. Sources of Finance More than often, companies have to seek sources of financing requires funds to purchase fixed assets, to finance growth and expansion and to increase its working capital. Nevertheless, these sources of long-term financing are not easily accessible because they include a fixed term contract and large amounts of fund (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2011). As a result, companies opt to raise long-term capital by issuing shares to shareholders from the public. There are two types of shareholders including equity shareholders who are directly involved in company affairs and the preference shareholders who are entitled to profits before equity shareholders (Davies & Pain, 2011). In addition, companies can use long-term loans as sources of finance from financial institutions. These loans could either be from government or private financial institutions who give long-term loans at reasonable rate of interest and repayment period (Gowthorpe, 2011). More so, the companies can use debentures as there sources of finance that are issued to the public. ... Financial Analysis of TCB bank and Bank of Georgia As financial services provider institutions, both the TCB bank and Bank of Georgia seek these sources of long-term finance to increase their business lines and boost their working capital. As a result, the two companies have shareholders both equity and the preference shareholders who are entitled to profits from the company’s proceedings. In addition, the financial institutions use debentures as there sources of finance from the public who make up the creditors of the companies (Nikolai, Bazley & Jones, 2010). As other financial institutions, the two companies source out for long-term loans as sources of finance from other financial institutions within reasonable rate of interest and repayment period. In addition, the two companies have funds from their retained earnings as sources of long-term finance (Fields, 2011). 1) Profitability Ratio 2011 2010 Return on assets= Net income/ = 91,625 /2783901=0.033 49,435/2002900.5=0.025 TCB Bank Total average asset Return on assets= Net income/ = 138973/ 4182165=0.033 78043/ 4004922=0.019 Bank of Georgia Total average asset Return on equity=Net income/ = 91,625 / 423026.5 =0.217 49,435/352007.5=0.140 TCB Bank Average stockholders’ equity Return on equity=Net income/ = 138973/918677.5=0.151 78043/812,603=0.096 Bank of Georgia Average stockholders’ equity Net Profit margin= Net Income/ Sales = 91,625 /209,081=0.438 49,435/162,814=0.304 TCB Bank (TCB Bank, 2012) Net Profit margin= Net income/ Sales = 138973/360,215=0.386 78043/413673=0.189 Bank of Georgia Gross Profit margin= Gross Income/ Sales = 209,081/ 360,215=0.580 162,814/ 271,805=0.600 TCB Bank Gross
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Sustainability and Waste Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sustainability and Waste Management - Assignment Example There are different methods that can be used to extract unwanted solvents, for instance, boiling, grinding or distilling the unwanted solvent with appropriate solvents which are used less frequently. Blending could also be used especially if it is on a large scale and it is a continuous project. According to Limbachiya & London, determination of the method to use for removing the solvent requires that environmental concerns need to be taken care of, in that the method has to be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. Regarding this, most United States EPA methods list sonification, a method of blending as a valid mode of extraction. This is very vital since using unauthorized methods could lead to penal action. The efficiency and cost of the method also have to be considered, methods like blending work in 10 to 15 minutes while solvent extraction could take up to twenty-four hours. However solvent extraction is much cheaper, therefore, a balance needs to be created in coming up with a method; costs versus efficiency. Light globes if discarded carelessly present a huge hazard to the environment and it is necessary that appropriate mechanisms should be adopted regarding their disposal. It is even better if the light bulbs are recycled to save vast resources. An office can save on its expenditures if it decides to recycle light globes. To develop an efficient recycling program, an office needs to follow the guidelines outlined in the subsequent paragraphs. A lot of research and learning should be carried out regarding recycling programs around the state the office is located that specifically deal with particular items like light globes. Office equipment should also be included as one of the recyclable items in the chosen company in case there is a need to recycle other items as the recycling system grows.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Yes, College is Worth the Money Essay Example for Free
Yes, College is Worth the Money Essay According to College Board, higher earning potential is number one when it comes to benefits of going to college. The median earnings of bachelors degree recipients working full-time year-round in 2008 were $55,700. (Hardy) A lot of current college students say that college is not worth the money, but they are still in college because they know without some type of degree it is going to be difficult to be financially stable and career ready but along with that they will learn some sort of responsibility. To start off, considering the fact that no one wants to struggle and everyone wants to be financially stable a college degree is required. With a college degree you are not always guaranteed a job as soon as you graduate but when you do get in your career field you will always be paid more than a person who just has a high school diploma. On average, the salary given to a person with a with a four year degree is approximately 45,000 dollars verses a lower income coming from someone with just a high school diploma. Studies show that those holding bachelor’s degree will earn about 2.2million dollars in a lifetime and those with a masters, doctorial and professional degrees will earn about 2.67 million, 3.25million and 3.65 million dollars in a lifetime. So, furthering your education will determine you financial stability. Daughtry2 Being career ready is very important before going out in to you designated career field. Going to college will help you become career ready both academically, socially and hands on. Of course coming toschool doing book work is a necessity. Also, you are going to have most likely take courses that are not related to your career and as well as the ones that are your focus. But, all of the course you take will help you in the long run somehow or another, even if it looks pointless it’s probably a class to make you look at life differently. For instance, an Elementary Education major’s curriculum guide requires a current student to take African American Studies as a freshmen. This class has nothing to do with the chosen major but it will show individuals enrolled in this course so many different things they can use when they start their career. Socially, college has been a major help due to the fact that most freshmen are easily intimidated and shy when they begin college. College professors assign group assignments and various other group activities to help them out. Socializing with peers as well as children, who will one day consume most of my time. Hands on, field experience, is actually for an Elementary Education major going to the classroom and talking with students and reading to them etc. Field experience lets you know if this is what you still want to do and if so it allows you to get hands on experience. In addition, going to college teaches you how to be responsible. For those who have time management issues and problems with procrastination coming to school will show you that if you do not have somewhat of a set schedule you will fail. As a college student you have to learn how to wash your own clothes if you did not already know how, you have to learn how to budget and the biggest thing coming to college you will learn fast is self-discipline. Self-discipline is knowing you have class in the morning so you do not go out with your friends the night before Daughtry3 because you know you are not going to make it to that eight o’ clock. That’s discipline yourself in college, having this practice will have you responsible enough to go out in the work force. Often times though, high school students feel as if college is not for them due to the previous struggles, failures and or experiences they have had in high school. â€Å"Failure is punished instead of seen as a learning opportunity. We think of college as a stepping-stone to success rather than a means to gain knowledge. College fails to empower us with the skills necessary to become productive members of Today’s global entrepreneurial economy.†(Stephens) His point of view is very understandable and realistic. Agreeing with Dale Stephens, Marty Nemko, says too that college is a waste of time. In an article entitled â€Å"We send too many to college†, Nemko practically states that parents are wasting their money by sending their â€Å"bottom 40 percentile†child to college because they barely made it out of high school so why would you send them to college. â€Å"Even worse, most of those college dropouts leave college having learned little of practic al value and with devastated self-esteem†¦ those people rarely leave with a career path likely to lead to more than McWages.†(Nemko) Going against the idea that college is worth the money the two authors have very valid points. All in all, college is still worth the money and although a lot of current college students say that college is not worth the money, where are they? They are still in college because they know without some type of degree it is going to be difficult to be financially stable and career ready. Coming to college will teach them some responsibilities that they have probably never had to do. College is definitely worth the money. Daughtry 4 Works Cited Kirszner, Laurie G., and Stephen R. Mandell. Practical Argument. 2nd ed. Boston, NY: Print. Hardy, Marcelina. 7 Benefits of Having a College Degree. Yahoo Education. 2013. Web. 23 Jan. 2014.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Paneles Solares
Paneles Solares RESUMEN EJECUTIVO El uso de las energà as renovables ha venido a disminuir, el uso de los combustibles fà ³siles como fuente de obtencià ³n de energà a. El suministro de energà a a partir de fuentes diversificadas y seguras, de forma econà ³micamente admisible y ambientalmente compatible, resulta esencial para la implementacià ³n de la prà ¡ctica del desarrollo sostenible de un paà s. En ese sentido, este proyecto contribuye con el requerimiento de un cuidadoso equilibrio entre los aspectos sociales, econà ³micos y ambientales. Su implementacià ³n contribuye a la reduccià ³n del impacto econà ³mico que ocasionan los combustibles importados en la economà a nacional, asà como la reduccià ³n de emisiones de CO2 que contribuye a los gases de efecto invernadero, como consecuencia el cambio climà ¡tico y los SO2 y los NOX que originan la lluvia acida. El incremento de concentraciones atmosfà ©rica de CO2 como consecuencia del empleo de combustibles fà ³siles, tiene una contribucià ³n en el incremento del efecto invernadero natural existente en el mundo. Por ello, se hace necesaria y urgente la reduccià ³n de las emisiones de este gas, presente de forma natural en la atmà ³sfera. El desesarrollo del proyecto pretende potenciar el uso de la energà a solar, utilizando paneles solares de tubos de vacio como fuente de energà a renovable como una forma de sustituir los combustibles fà ³siles utilizados en calderas por energà a mà ¡s limpia y segura para el medio ambiente. Tomando en consideracià ³n el, las reducciones de las emisiones Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio estipulado en el protocolo de Kyoto sobre las y la sustitucià ³n de combustible importado, el proyecto se enmarca dentro de objetivos de las leyes de Incentivos a las Elegà as Renovables y la de Competitividad y Innovacià ³n Industrial, dentro de una estrategia de contribuir a la sostenibilidad y la competitividad del aparato productivo nacional. En ese sentido, la Escuela de la Ingenierà a Quà mica de la UASD, cuya esencia es la aplicacià ³n de Ingenierà a de Procesos para la identificacià ³n de mejoras que contribuyan a la innovacià ³n y competitividad, cumple con su obje tivo de aportar a sector productivo nacional. I. INTRODUCCIà ³N Este proyecto inicia como una alternativa para el uso de la energà a solar y el potencial para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, por el uso de combustible fà ³sil en calderas para evaporar agua y ser utilizada posteriormente en el proceso de produccion Halka Industrial. Para realizar el proyecto se tomà ³ como opcià ³n la disponibilidad de la energà a solar en el paà s. Para su la realizacià ³n se enfocà ³ la atencià ³n sobre la investigacià ³n en las tecnologà as existentes para convertir la energà a solar en energà a tà ©rmica. Se llegà ³ a la conclusià ³n que la mejor opcià ³n debido a la mayor eficiencia que presentan la constituà an los llamados paneles solares de tubo de vacà o, por los que estos fueron la tecnologà a seleccionada para la ejecucià ³n del proyecto. 1.1-OBJETIVOS Ø Objetivo general Reducir los costos de operacià ³n de Halka Industrial y promover el uso de la energà a solar en los procesos industriales para la sustitucià ³n de combustibles fà ³siles importados que impactan la economà a nacional y contribuir a la reduccià ³n de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Objetivos Especà ficos Presentar el presente proyecto para la obtencià ³n del titulo de Ingeniero Quà mico Introducir la transferencia de tecnologà a en la para el aprovechamiento de la radiacià ³n solar a travà ©s de paneles les solares de tubos de vacà o para el calentamiento de agua usada en el proceso Halkada Industrial Oporurtunidad para aplicar a los incentivos previstos en las leyes de Incentivos a las Energias Renovables y de la Innovacià ³n y Competitividad Industrial Aplicacià ³n del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL) del Protocolo de Kyto para aplicar a los bonos de carbono por la reduccià ³n de emisiones de combustibles fà ³siles. 1.2-JUSTIFICACIà ³N La energà a solar es sin duda la fuente de toda la vida en el planeta tierra es la responsable de todos los ciclos de la naturaleza, la responsable del clima, del movimiento del viento, del agua y del crecimiento de las plantas Y la mà ¡s econà ³mica. Las energà as renovables son una realidad que precisa de una constante demanda de profesionales cualificados debido al auge en la utilizacià ³n de tecnologà as limpias. La energà a solar es la energà a producida por el sol y que es convertida a energà a à ºtil por el ser humano, ya sea para calentar algo o producir electricidad (como sus principales aplicaciones). El aprovechamiento de esta energà a, para calentamiento de agua, con un sistema de paneles solares de tubos de vacà o puede reducir las emisiones de gases contaminantes grandemente. 1.3-APORTACIà ³N Reduccià ³n de los costos de operacià ³n de Halka Industrial Contribucià ³n a la reduccià ³n de gases de efecto invernadero Reduccià ³n del uso de combustible fà ³sil importado. Innovacià ³n en el uso de energà a de energà a limpia procedentes de recursos locales Econà ³micamente rentables. Incremento en la eficiencia del proceso de produccià ³n de Halka Industrial. 1.4-ANTECEDENTES Las energà as renovables han constituido una parte importante de la energà a utilizada por los humanos desde tiempos remotos, especialmente la solar, la eà ³lica y la hidrà ¡ulica. La agua y las disposiciones constructivas de los edificios para aprovechar la del sol, son buenos ejemplos de ello. Con el invento de la motores tà ©rmicos y elà ©ctricos, en una à ©poca en que el todavà a relativamente escaso consumo, no hacà a prever un agotamiento de las fuentes, ni otros problemas ambientales que mà ¡s tarde se presentaron. Hacia la dà ©cada de energà as limpias, y por esta razà ³n fueron llamadas energà as alternativas. Actualmente muchas de estas energà as son una realidad, no una alternativa, por lo que el nombre de alternativas ya no debe emplearse. Segà ºn la Comisià ³n Nacional de Energà a espaà ±ola, la venta anual de energà a del Rà ©gimen Especial se ha multiplicado por mà ¡s de 10% en Espaà ±a, a la vez que sus precios se han rebajado un 11%. En Espaà ±a las energà as renovables supusieron en el aà ±o 2005 un 5,9% del total de energà a primaria, un 1,2% es eà ³lica, un 1,1% hidroelà ©ctrica, un 2,9 biomasa y el 0,7% otras. La energà a eà ³lica es la que mà ¡s crece. II. MARCO TEà ³RICO 2.1-FUNDAMENTO DE LA ENERGà A SOLAR Existen dos formas principales de utilizar la energà a solar, una como fuente de calor para sistemas solares tà ©rmicos. La otra como fuente de electricidad para sistemas solares fotovoltaicos. En este proyecto vamos a trabajar con la energà a solar tà ©rmica como una fuente de calor. La energà a solar tà ©rmica se debe a la transformacià ³n de la energà a radiante solar en calor o energà a tà ©rmica. La energà a solar tà ©rmica se encarga de calentar el agua en forma directa alcanzando temperatura que oscila entre los 40 y 50 gracias a la utilizacià ³n de paneles solares. El agua se calienta, la cual es almacenada para su posterior consumo: calentamiento de agua de usos industriales, calentamiento de agua de proceso, calefaccià ³n de espacios, calentamiento de piscinas, secaderos, refrigeracià ³n etc. La energà a solar tà ©rmica utiliza la energà a que recibimos del sol para calentar un fluido. 2.2-MECANISMO DE DESARROLLO LIMPIO(MDL) El objetivo del MDL es que las naciones industrializadas inviertan en proyectos para disminuir las emisiones en los paà ses en desarrollo a fin de compensar las que no lograron reducir en su propio territorio. Este mecanismo permite proyectos de reduccià ³n de emisiones entres paà ses industrializado y paà ses en desarrollo. Por medio de este mecanismo una entidad o gobierno de un paà s industrializado invierte en un proyecto de reduccià ³n de emisiones en un paà s de desarrollo. A cambio el paà s industrializado recibe Certificados de Reduccià ³n de Emisià ³n (CER). 2.3-BENEFICIO DE PARTICIPAR EN UN PROYECTO MDL Entre los beneficios que se le otorgan por participar en un proyecto MDL està ¡n: El MDL puede proporcionar ingresos adicionales en forma De CER al proyecto, el cual puede ser econà ³micamente viable con el uso. El MDL contribuirà ¡ al uso de energà as renovables en lugar del uso de las energà as no renovables, lo cual contribuye a la seguridad energà ©tica de un paà s El uso de algunas de las tecnologà as de reduccià ³n de emisià ³n podrà ¡ incrementar la productividad mediante el logro de ahorro de energà a y materias primas. Aplicacià ³n de tecnologà as de reduccià ³n de emisià ³n de GHGs mediante el MDL puede ser tambià ©n una medida de solucià ³n de varios asuntos de contaminacià ³n ambiental. 2.4-BONOS DE CARBONO Los bonos de carbono son un mecanismo internacional de descontaminacià ³n para reducir las emisiones contaminantes al medio ambiente; es uno de los tres mecanismos propuestos en el Protocolo de Kioto para la reduccià ³n de emisiones causantes del calentamiento global o efecto invernadero (GEI o gases de efecto invernadero). El sistema ofrece incentivos econà ³micos para que empresas privadas contribuyan a la mejora de la calidad ambiental y se consiga regular la emisià ³n generada por sus procesos productivos, considerando el derecho a emitir CO2 como un bien canjeable y con un precio establecido en el mercado. La transaccià ³n de los bonos de carbono â€â€un bono de carbono representa el derecho a emitir una tonelada de dià ³xido de carbono permite mitigar la generacià ³n de gases invernadero, beneficiando a las empresas que no emiten o disminuyen la emisià ³n y haciendo pagar a las que emiten mà ¡s de lo permitido. Las reducciones de emisiones de GEI se miden en toneladas de CO2 equivalente, y se traducen en Certificados de Emisiones Reducidas (CER). Un CER equivale a una tonelada de CO2 que se deja de emitir a la atmà ³sfera, y puede ser vendido en el mercado de carbono a paà ses Anexo I (industrializados, de acuerdo a la nomenclatura del protocolo de Kyoto). Los tipos de proyecto que pueden aplicar a una certificacià ³n son, por ejemplo, generacià ³n de energà a renovable, mejoramiento de eficiencia energà ©tica de procesos, forestacià ³n, limpieza de lagos y rà os, etc. En un esfuerzo por reducir las emisiones que provocan el Protocolo de Kyoto. Para cumplir se està ¡n financiando proyectos de captura o abatimiento de estos gases en paà ses en và as de desarrollo, acreditando tales disminuciones y considerà ¡ndolas como si hubiesen sido hechas en su territorio. Sin embargo, los crà ticos del sistema de venta de bonos o permisos de emisià ³n, argumentan que la implementacià ³n de estos mecanismos tendientes a reducir las emisiones de CO2 no tendrà ¡ el efecto deseado de reducir la concentracià ³n de CO2 en la atmà ³sfera, como tampoco de reducir o retardar la subida de la temperatura. Segà ºn el estudio de Wigley, 2050, o reducirà ¡ la temperatura predicha para ese aà ±o en 0,06 ºC, o sino retrasarà ¡ la fecha en que deberà a cumplirse el aumento dicho en 16 aà ±os. 2.5-IMPACTO AMBIENTAL Se entiende como el efecto que produce una determinada accià ³n humana sobre el medio ambiente en sus distintos aspectos. El concepto puede extenderse, con poca utilidad, a los efectos de un fenà ³meno natural catastrà ³fico. Tà ©cnicamente, es la alteracià ³n de la accià ³n antrà ³pica o a eventos naturales. Las acciones humanas, motivadas por la consecucià ³n de diversos fines, provocan efectos colaterales sobre el medio natural o social. Mientras los efectos perseguidos suelen ser positivos, al menos para quienes promueven la actuacià ³n, los efectos secundarios pueden ser positivos y, mà ¡s a menudo, negativos. La Declaracià ³n de Impacto ambiental (DIA) es la comunicacià ³n previa, que las leyes ambientales exigen bajo ciertos supuestos, de las consecuencias ambientales predichas por la evaluacià ³n. 2.6-PROTOCOLO DE KIOTO El Protocolo de Kioto sobre el cambio climà ¡tico[] es un acuerdo internacional que tiene por objetivo reducir las emisiones de seis gases provocadores del azufre (SF6), en un porcentaje aproximado de un 5%, dentro del periodo que va desde el aà ±o 2008 al 2012, en comparacià ³n a las emisiones al aà ±o 1990. Por ejemplo, si la contaminacià ³n de estos gases en el aà ±o 1990 alcanzaba el 100%, al tà ©rmino del aà ±o 2012 deberà ¡ ser del 95%. Es preciso seà ±alar que esto no significa que cada paà s deba reducir sus emisiones de gases regulados en un 5%, sino que este es un porcentaje a nivel global y, por el contrario, cada paà s obligado por Kioto tiene sus propios porcentajes de emisià ³n que debe disminuir. El protocolo de Kioto sobre el cambio climà ¡tico es un acuerdo internacional por objetivo reducir las emisiones de seis gases provocadores del calentamiento global: Dià ³xido de carbono (CO2), gas metano (CH4) y oxido nitroso (N20), ademà ¡s de tres gases fluorados: Hidrofluorocarbonos (HFC), Per III. FUENTES DE ENERGà A 3.1-ENERGà A ALTERNA 3.1.1-CONCEPTO APLICADOS A LAS FUENTES DE ENERGà A Una energà as o fuentes energà ©ticas actuales, ya sea por su menor efecto contaminante, o fundamentalmente por su posibilidad de renovacià ³n. El consumo de energà a es uno de los grandes medidores del progreso y bienestar de una sociedad. El concepto de crisis energà ©tica aparece cuando las fuentes de energà a de las que se abastece la sociedad se agotan. Un modelo econà ³mico como el actual, cuyo funcionamiento depende de un continuo crecimiento, exige tambià ©n una demanda igualmente creciente de energà a. Puesto que las fuentes de energà a fà ³sil y nuclear son finitas, es inevitable que en un determinado momento la demanda no pueda ser abastecida y todo el sistema colapse, salvo que se descubran y desarrollen otros nuevos mà ©todos para obtener energà a: à ©stas serà an las energà as alternativas. En conjunto con lo anterior se tiene tambià ©n que el abuso de las energà as convencionales actuales hoy dà a tales como el capa de ozono. La discusià ³n energà a alternativa/convencional no es una mera clasificacià ³n de las fuentes de energà a, sino que representa un cambio que necesariamente tendrà ¡ que producirse durante este siglo. Es importante reseà ±ar que las energà as alternativas, aun siendo renovables, tambià ©n son finitas, y como cualquier otro recurso natural tendrà ¡n un là mite mà ¡ximo de explotacià ³n. Por tanto, incluso aunque podamos realizar la transicià ³n a estas nuevas energà as de forma suave y gradual, tampoco van a permitir continuar con el modelo econà ³mico actual basado en el crecimiento perpetuo. Es por ello por lo que surge el concepto del Desarrollo sostenible. 3.1.2 DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE El desarrollo sostenible se basa en las siguientes premisas: El uso de fuentes de energà a renovable, ya que las fuentes siglo XXI. El uso de fuentes limpias, abandonando los procesos de fisià ³n nuclear. La explotacià ³n extensiva de las fuentes de energà a, proponià ©ndose como alternativa el fomento del autoconsumo, que evite en la medida de lo posible la construccià ³n de grandes infraestructuras de generacià ³n y distribucià ³n de energà a elà ©ctrica. La disminucià ³n de la demanda energà ©tica, mediante la mejora del rendimiento de los dispositivos elà ©ctricos (là ¡mparas, etc.) Reducir o eliminar el consumo energà ©tico innecesario. No se trata sà ³lo de consumir mà ¡s eficientemente, sino de consumir menos, es decir, desarrollar una conciencia y una cultura del ahorro energà ©tico y condena del despilfarro. La produccià ³n de energà as limpias, alternativas y renovables no es por tanto una cultura o un intento de mejorar el medio ambiente, sino una necesidad a la que el ser humano se va a ver abocado, independientemente de nuestra opinià ³n, gustos o creencias. 3.1.3-CLASIFICACIà ³N Las fuentes renovables de energà a pueden dividirse en dos categorà as: contaminantes. No contaminantes : El Sol: energà a solar. El viento: energà a eà ³lica. Los rà os y corrientes de agua dulce: energà a hidrà ¡ulica. Los mares y ocà ©anos: energà a mareomotriz. El calor de la Tierra: energà a geotà ©rmica. Las olas: energà a mareomotriz. La llegada de masas de agua dulce a masas de agua salada : energà a azul. Las contaminantes : Se obtienen a partir de la materia orgà ¡nica o transesterificacià ³n y de los residuos urbanos. Las energà as de fuentes renovables contaminantes tienen el mismo problema que la energà a producida por combustibles fà ³siles: en la combustià ³n emiten fotosà ntesis. En realidad no es equivalente la cantidad absorbida previamente con la emitida en la combustià ³n, porque en los procesos de siembra, recoleccià ³n, tratamiento y transformacià ³n, tambià ©n se consume energà a, con sus correspondientes emisiones. Ademà ¡s, se puede atrapar gran parte de las emisiones de CO2 para alimentar cultivos de microcarbà ³n activado. Tambià ©n se puede obtener energà a a partir de los gas natural y de dià ³xido de carbono. 3.2- DIVISIà ³N DE LAS FUENTES DE ENERGà A Las fuentes de energà a se pueden dividir en dos grandes subgrupos: permanentes (renovables) y temporales (no renovables). 3.2.1-NO RENOVABLES Los combustibles fà ³siles son recursos no renovables: no podemos reponer lo que gastamos. En algà ºn momento, se acabarà ¡n, y tal vez sea necesario disponer de millones de aà ±os de evolucià ³n similar para contar nuevamente con ellos. Son aquellas cuyas reservas son limitadas y se agotan con el uso. Las principales son la carbà ³n). 3.2.2-ENERGà A Fà ³SIL Los plancton marino acumuladas en el fondo del mar. En ambos casos la materia orgà ¡nica se descompuso parcialmente por falta de oxà geno y accià ³n de la temperatura, la presià ³n y determinadas bacterias de forma que quedaron almacenadas molà ©culas con enlaces de alta energà a. La energà a mà ¡s utilizada en el mundo es la energà a fà ³sil. Si se considera todo lo que està ¡ en juego, es de suma importancia medir con exactitud las reservas de combustibles fà ³siles del planeta. Se distinguen las reservas identificadas aunque no està ©n explotadas, y las reservas probables, que se podrà an descubrir con las tecnologà as futuras. Segà ºn los cà ¡lculos, el planeta puede suministrar energà a durante 40 aà ±os mà ¡s (si sà ³lo se utiliza el petrà ³leo) y mà ¡s de 200 (si se sigue utilizando el carbà ³n). Hay alternativas actualmente en estudio: la energà a fusià ³n nuclear. 3.2.3-ENERGà A NUCLEAR El nà ºcleo atà ³mico de elementos pesados como el reactor nuclear. Una consecuencia de la actividad de produccià ³n de este tipo de energà a, son los radiactividad. 3.2.2-RENOVABLES O VERDES El sol, origen de las energà as renovables. Actualmente, està ¡n cobrando mayor importancia a causa del agravamiento del balanza comercial que esa adquisicià ³n representa.à ©MICAS Existe cierta polà ©mica sobre la inclusià ³n de la energà a hidrà ¡ulica (a gran escala) como energà as verdes, por los impactos medioambientales negativos que producen, aunque se trate de energà as renovables. El estatus de desechos nucleares cuya eliminacià ³n no està ¡ aà ºn resuelta. Segà ºn la definicià ³n actual de desecho no se trata de una energà a limpia.à A HIDRà ¡ULICA La energà a potencial acumulada en los saltos de agua puede ser transformada en energà a elà ©ctrica. Las centrales hidroelà ©ctricas aprovechan la energà a de los rà os para poner en funcionamiento unas turbinas que mueven un generador elà ©ctrico. La formacià ³n de biomasa a partir de la energà a solar se lleva a cabo por el proceso denominado fotosà ntesis vegetal que a su vez es desencadenante de la cadena biolà ³gica. Mediante la fotosà ntesis las plantas que contienen clorofila, transforman el dià ³xido de carbono y el agua de productos minerales sin valor energà ©tico, en materiales orgà ¡nicos con alto contenido energà ©tico y a su vez sirven de alimento a otros seres vivos. La biomasa mediante estos procesos almacena a corto plazo la energà a solar en forma de carbono. La energà a almacenada en el proceso fotosintà ©tico puede ser posteriormente transformada en energà a tà ©rmica, elà ©ctrica o carburantes de origen vegetal, liberando de nuevo el dià ³xido de carbono almacenado.à A SOLAR Figura 3. Concentradores Solares Estos temperatura en el receptor. Figura 4. Paneles solares Los energà a elà ©ctrica. La energà a solar es una fuente de vida y origen de la mayorà a de las demà ¡s formas de energà a en la Tierra. Cada aà ±o la radiacià ³n solar aporta a la Tierra la energà a equivalente a varios miles de veces la cantidad de energà a que consume la humanidad. Recogiendo de forma adecuada la paneles solares. Mediante centrales tà ©rmicas solares se utiliza la energà a tà ©rmica de los colectores solares para generar electricidad. Se distinguen dos componentes en la radiacià ³n solar: la radiacià ³n directa y la radiacià ³n difusa. La radiacià ³n directa es la que llega directamente del foco solar, sin refracciones intermedias. La difusa es la emitida por la bà ³veda celeste diurna gracias a los mà ºltiples fenà ³menos de reflexià ³n y refraccià ³n solar en la atmà ³sfera, en las nubes, y el resto de elementos atmosfà ©ricos y terrestres. La radiacià ³n directa puede reflejarse y concentrarse para su utilizacià ³n, mientras que no es posible concentrar la luz difusa que proviene de todas direcciones. Sin embargo, tanto la radiacià ³n directa como la radiacià ³n difusa son aprovechables. Se puede diferenciar entre receptores activos y pasivos en que los primeros utilizan mecanismos para orientar el sistema receptor hacia el Sol -llamados seguidores- y captar mejor la radiacià ³n directa. Una importante ventaja de la energà a solar es que permite la generacià ³n de energà a en el mismo lugar de consumo mediante la integracià ³n arquitectà ³nica. Asà , podemos dar lugar a sistemas de generacià ³n distribuida en los que se eliminen casi por completo las pà ©rdidas relacionadas con el transporte -que en la actualidad suponen aproximadamente el 40% del total- y la dependencia energà ©tica. Las diferentes tecnologà as fotovoltaicas se adaptan para sacar el mà ¡ximo rendimiento posible de la energà a que recibimos del sol. De esta forma por ejemplo los sistemas de concentracià ³n solar fotovoltaica (CPV por sus siglas en inglà ©s) utiliza la radiacià ³n directa con receptores activos para maximizar la produccià ³n de energà a y conseguir asà un coste menor por kW/h producido. Esta tecnologà a resulta muy eficiente para lugares de alta radiacià ³n solar, pero actualmente no puede competir en precio en localizaciones de baja radiacià ³n solar como Centro Europa, donde tecnologà as como la Capa Fina (Thin Film) està ¡n consiguiendo reducir tambià ©n el precio de la tecnologà a fotovoltaica tradicional.à A Eà ³LICA La energà a eà ³lica es la energà a obtenida de la fuerza del viento, es decir, mediante la utilizacià ³n de la energà a cinà ©tica generada por las corrientes de aire. El tà ©rmino eà ³lico viene del latà n Aeolicus (griego antiguo / Aiolos), perteneciente o relativo a à ©olo, dios de los vientos en la mitologà a griega y, por tanto, perteneciente o relativo al viento. La energà a eà ³lica ha sido aprovechada desde la antigà ¼edad para mover los barcos impulsados por velas o hacer funcionar la maquinaria de molinos al mover sus aspas. Es un tipo de energà a verde. La energà a del viento està ¡ relacionada con el movimiento de las masas de aire que desplazan de à ¡reas de alta presià ³n atmosfà ©rica hacia à ¡reas adyacentes de baja presià ³n, con velocidades proporcionales (gradiente de presià ³n). Por lo que puede decirse que la energà a eà ³lica es una forma no-directa de energà a solar, las diferentes temperaturas y presiones en la atmà ³sfera, provocadas por la absorcià ³n de la radiacià ³n solar, son las que ponen al viento en movimiento. El aerogenerador es un generador de corriente elà ©ctrica a partir de la energà a cinà ©tica del viento, es una energà a limpia y tambià ©n la menos costosa de producir, lo que explica el fuerte entusiasmo por esta tecnologà a.à A GEOTà ©RMICA La energà a geotà ©rmica es aquella energà a que puede ser obtenida por el hombre mediante el aprovechamiento del calor del interior de la Tierra. Parte del calor interno de la Tierra (5.000 ºC) llega a la corteza terrestre. En algunas zonas del planeta, cerca de la superficie, las aguas subterrà ¡neas pueden alcanzar temperaturas de ebullicià ³n, y, por tanto, servir para accionar turbinas elà ©ctricas o para calentar. El calor del interior de la Tierra se debe a varios factores, entre los que destacan el gradiente geotà ©rmico y el calor radiogà ©nico. Geotà ©rmico viene del griego geo, Tierra; y de thermos, calor; literalmente calor de la Tierra.à A MAREOMOTRIZ Figura 5. Central elà ©ctrica mareomotriz en el estuario del Francia . La energà a mareomotriz se debe a las energà a elà ©ctrica, una forma energà ©tica mà ¡s à ºtil y aprovechable. La energà a mareomotriz tiene la cualidad de ser renovable en tanto que la fuente de impacto ambiental de instalar los dispositivos para su proceso han impedido una proliferacià ³n notable de este tipo de energà a. Otras formas de extraer energà a del mar son la gradiente tà ©rmico oceà ¡nico, que marca una diferencia de temperaturas entre la superficie y las aguas profundas del ocà ©ano. IV- APLICACIONES DE LA ENERGà A SOLAR 4.1 TECNOLOGà A Y USOS Clasificacià ³n por tecnologà as y su correspondiente uso mà ¡s general: Energà a solar pasiva : Aprovecha el calor del sol sin necesidad de mecanismos o sistemas mecà ¡nicos. Energà a solar tà ©rmica : Para producir agua caliente . Energà a solar fotovoltaica : Para producir electricidad mediante placas de semiconductores que se alteran con la radiacià ³n solar. Energà a solar termoelà ©ctrica : Para producir electricidad con un ciclo termodinà ¡mico convencional a partir de un fluido calentado a alta temperatura (aceite tà ©rmico) Energà a solar hà brida : Combina la energà a solar con otra energà a. Segà ºn la energà a con la que se combine es una hibridacià ³n: [3] Fà ³sil . Energà a eà ³lico solar : Funciona con el aire calentado por el sol, que sube por una chimenea donde està ¡n los generadores. La instalacià ³n de centrales de energà a solar en la zonas marcadas en el mapa podrà a proveer algo mà ¡s que la energà a actualmente consumida en el mundo (asumiendo una eficiencia de conversià ³n energà ©tica del 8%), incluyendo la proveniente de 1993 (tres aà ±os, calculada sobre la base de 24 horas por dà a y considerando la nubosidad observada mediante satà ©lites). Otros usos de la energà a solar y ejemplos mà ¡s prà ¡cticos de sus aplicaciones: Huerta solar Potabilizacià ³n de agua Cocina solar Destilacià ³n. Evaporacià ³n. Fotosà ntesis. Secado. Arquitectura sostenible. Cubierta Solar. Acondicionamiento y ahorro de energà a en edificaciones. Calentamiento de agua. Calefaccià ³n domà ©stica. Iluminacià ³n. Refrigeracià ³n. Aire acondicionado. Energà a para pequeà ±os electrodomà ©sticos. 4 .2- ENERGIA SOLAR FOTOVOLTAICA Figura 8. Celda solar Se denomina energà a solar fotovoltaica a una forma de obtencià ³n de energà a elà ©ctrica a travà ©s de paneles fotovoltaicos. Los paneles, mà ³dulos o colectores fotovoltaicos està ¡n formados por diferencia de potencial en sus extremos. El acoplamiento en serie de varios de estos fotodiodos permite la obtencià ³n de voltajes mayores en configuraciones muy sencillas y aptas para alimentar pequeà ±os dispositivos electrà ³nicos. A mayor escala, la red elà ©ctrica, operacià ³n sujeta a subvenciones para una mayor viabilidad. El proceso, simplificado, serà a el siguiente: Se genera la energà a a bajas tensiones (380-800 V) y en corriente continua. Se transforma con un inversor en corriente alterna. Mediante un centro de transformacià ³n se eleva a Media tensià ³n (15 à ³ 25 kV) y se inyecta en las redes de transporte de la compaà ±Ãƒ a. En entornos aislados, donde se requiere poca econà ³micamente viable. Para comprender la importancia de esta posibilidad, conviene tener en cuenta que aproximadamente una cuarta parte de la poblacià ³n mundial no tiene acceso a la energà a elà ©ctrica. 4 .3- CENTROS DE INVESTIGACIà ³N SOBRE LA ENERGà A SOLAR Alemania. Universidad Polità ©cnica de Madrid CIEMAT) Alemania. Estados V. DESCRIPCIà ³N Y DISEà ±O DEL PROYECTO V . DESCRIPCIà ³N Y DISEà ±O DEL PROYECTO La empresa Halka Industrial se dedica a la produccià ³n de cosmà ©ticos como son tratamientos, desodorantes, acondicionadores, entre otros. En algunos de estos procesos se adiciona agua a 25oC como materia prima base y esta se eleva a una temperatura de 80oC, ya que es a la cual todas las materias primas son fundidas y pueden ser mezcladas. Para mejorar la eficiencia energà ©tica del proceso, se propuso calentar el agua destinada para el producto antes de ser adicionada, y asà disminuir el tiempo de produccià ³n. En esta etapa se realizaron varios escenarios de temperatura y equipos, donde surgieron los tiempos estimados de produccià ³n resultantes de adicionar el agua mà ¡s caliente. Tabla 1. Resultados de diferentes escenarios Caldera de 10 HP Escenario 1 Tanque Capacidad Kg Cp agua Camb. Temp. Kcal Total Kcal/h Tiempo (h) 2 2500 1 kcal/kg oC 25 a 80 oC 137500 84000 1:58 min 7 1500 25 a 80 oC 82500 1:08 min Juntos 3:16 min Escenario 2 Tanque Capacidad Kg Cp agua Camb. Temp. Kcal Total Kcal/h Tiempo (h) 2 2500 1 kcal/kg oC 30 a 80 oC 125000 84000 1:49 min 7 1500
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Constantine the Great
Constantine the Great Constantine the Great was one of the strongest and most important rulers in the Byzantine and Roman Empire. He made big changes and accomplishments that made the empire greater, and more powerful such as maintaining the full size of the Roman Empire, successfully defeating his enemies and competitors, and staying in charge. Constantine made huge improvements such as outlawing Pagan sacrifice, confiscating temple treasuries, and curbing Christian heresies. -(Phillip Sherrard, 1986, Pg. 10-14) Constantine was born on twenty seventh of February ca. 272 in Naissus (Serbia). Constantine was the son of Constantius and his first wife Helen, born with the Latin Roman name Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinu. Constantines mother promoted Christianity, made a pilgrimage to the holy land where she collected relics, identified sacred places and built churches. His father ruled as a Roman Emperor from 293 to 306 and was the founder of the Constantinian Dynasty. Constantine, feeling neglected after when his father divorced his mother, distinguished himself as a soldier and won the affection of the army. He excelled in military exercises, was modest, and well informed. Constantine later joined his father, who ruled in the west. Before Constantinus died he proclaimed his son his successor (306). Constantine the Great married Minervina who either died or divorced before 307 and Fausta who was Maximians daughter. He had six children, one of them from Minervana but the rest from Fausta n amed Crispus, Constantina, Helena, Constantine II, Constantius II, and Constans. Constantine the Great had many excellent qualities. He was brave, active, untiring, and ruled with firmness and fairness. As Constantine got older, he adopted the luxury and pomp which was introduced from the East. He wore false hair of different colors perfectly arranged, a diadem of costly gems, and a robe of silk that contained flowers made out of gold and more precious stones. He reigned thirty years, the longest period since Augustus. Since he was converted into Christianity later in his life, he was not baptized until a little time before his death. He died on May twenty second, A.D. 337 on the way to campaign against the Persians. Constantine was buried in Constantinople. -(James Carroll, 2001, Pg. 346-372) Constantines most important achievement and greatest project was his new Rome (Constantinople, present day Istanbul). Constantine moved the capital from Rome to the Greek city of Byzantium. He enlarged and enriched the city at enormous expense. Massive walls and stately buildings were built, and a large chain was placed in the water to protect their new capital. Constantine the Great provided the city with a forum, a hippodrome, a circus of great size, baths, and pleasure-grounds, to make it somewhat similar to Rome. Schools and theatres, aqueducts, fourteen churches, fourteen palaces, and a great number of magnificent private houses were added later on. Constantine issued special commemorative coins in 330 to honor his new city that he created. After creating this city, he began to form a new constitution for his empire. He established complete despotism, all the power being in his hands.  He outstandingly improved this beautiful city, and made it equal to Rome in power and influence. Not only did Constantine make his capital, Constantinople beautiful with art and architecture but he also filled Trier with imperial buildings and Rome with baths, and the great arch of Constantine near the Colosseum. -(Phillip Sherrard, 1986, Pg. 34-41) Constantines second biggest and most important achievement was being the first Christian Roman Emperor. After winning many battles, it was said that during the campaign against Maxentius, Constantine saw the miraculous cross in the heavens. Short after becoming a Christian he made Christianity the established religion of the state. Constantine began the process of making Christianity the religious foundation of Europe. -(James Carroll, 2001, Pg. 58-67) Thirdly, Constantine not only earned his honorific the great title from Christian historians but also because of his military achievements and victories. Besides getting the empire together under one emperor, Constantine also won major victories over the Franks and Alamanni in 306-8 and Franks again in 313-14. Constantine the Great always believed in changing plans last minute and he would rearrange things at the battle field. Constantine had a magnificent and trained army and was trained well with strategies since he was an officer in the Roman army in 272. His army stayed loyal to him at all times during a battle or when there were problems with ruling. -(J. Lowden, 1998, Pg. 12-19) In conclusion Constantine the Great had a huge impact on both the Roman and the Byzantine Empire and was a great leader during his rule. He left behind many great architecture and art. In my opinion he was probably the most important historical figure in my civilization because he brought Christianity to Byzantines and Christianity was a big part of this empire since the art and architecture was based upon it. He never gave up or showed any types of weakness during battle or other times. He was a strong leader with a strong mind who greatly changed my civilization and many around it in good ways.t Reference Page Carroll, J. (2001).Constantines sword: the church and the Jews: a history. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Constantine. (n.d.). Roman Colosseum. Retrieved March 13, 2011, from Norwich, J. J. (19891996).Byzantium . New York: Knopf :. Lowden, J. (19971998). Early Christian Byzantine art . London: Phaidon. Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Main Page. (n.d.).FORDHAM.EDU. Retrieved March 14, 2011, from
Stereo Types Essay -- essays research papers
Stereotypes â€Å"What do you expect form a blonde?†â€Å" A woman’s place is in the kitchen†, â€Å" Look at the jewelry he’s wearing, he’s probably a drug dealer†How many times have we heard statements such as these? It is such statements along with numerous others, which have caused our society to isolate and stereotype every individual based on past or previous experiences. To categorize individuals or a group according to an oversimplified standardized image or idea is to stereotype. When we stereotype, it affects our ability to understand and accept individuals and various groups of people for who they are. Women, Police Officers and various ethnic groups are among many who are stereotyped. In the early 1800’s, women were recognized as â€Å"homemakers†. However, as times changed they began to feel the need to become independent. As a result, women are now frequently stereotyped more than ever, especially in the business environment. Men are accustomed to women acquiring positions that require a â€Å"feminine touch†such as, nurses, secretaries, school teachers or other clerical positions. Therefore, when a woman acquires a position that puts her in higher authority, such as a role as a Vice President or CEO of a company, she is instantly stereotyped as feeling the need to be dominant. Women are also stereotyped by what they wear. For example, if a woman is wearing an outfit that is tight fitting or wearing a mini skirt, she is misconstrued as being too promiscuous.    &n...
Friday, July 19, 2019
North Korea Surprise Attack :: essays research papers
In 1949, Congress dragged its feet in considering a $150 million dollar aid bill to South Korea. Syngman Rhee had so often talked about invading North Korea that US leaders feared giving him too much in the way of weapons. For this reason, South Korea was sent only rifles, bazookas, and light artillery; tanks an airplanes were held back. Also by 1949, most of the US military had moved out. Only 500 advisors, known as KMAG (the Korean Military Advisory Group) remained in South Korea, under the command of Brigadier-General William L. Roberts. In January of 1950, the House defeated the Korean Aid Bill by a single vote; Korea was scheduled no to get American Aid for the following year, 1950. On June 25, 1950 the North Korean army attacked South Korea, crossing the 38th Parallel. Pentagon officials were stunned, and had no immediate contingency plan ready. Some said little could be done, while others suggested it was the beginning of Stalin's plot to take over the world. Truman and his circle of advisers sat firmly in this latter group. Immediately upon the invasion, these advisors discussed the prospect of sending General Douglas MacArthur, the US commander in the Far East, to lead a military response. The North Korean invaders hoped to take Seoul, the South Korean capital, as quickly as possible. The majority of ROK forces were routed by North Korean troops. Only one ROK division, the 6th, held its ground. John Muccio, the American ambassador to South Korea, quickly reported back to Washington that a "probable" full-scale attack was under way. Meanwhile, Syngman Rhee reacted to news of the invasion by ordering the imprisonment of more South Koreans. The UN was particularly upset about the North Korean invasion, because it had overseen the elections held in 1948, and did not want to see a war undo that election.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Some People Think That Convention in Our Society Obstruct
Chosen topic: Some people think that convention in our society obstruct progress while others think that taboos help maintain social harmony. Choose one position and support it with evidence and examples. As a result of globalization, the world is getting smaller and smaller. Some people have even said that the world has become a ‘Global Village’. With the integration of people coming from different financial, ethnic and social background, there are conflicts between interest groups.For example, the huge income disparity, large amount of new immigrants and the different point of views towards social issues may lead to a less harmious society. Apart from these, convention in a society may also be one of the factors affecting social harmony. â€Å"Social harmony is a more complex social psychological phenomenon which is determined by the interactions among social values, people, and society. People achieve social harmony when they feel their values and desires are attainable in society. â€Å"(Ai Han, 2008, Building a Harmonious Society and Achieving Individual Harmony, para 1)Traditions might lead to unfairness to the public. Take Hong Kong as an example, Hong Kong is a superstitious city and people care a lot about taboos and traditional practices. The pronunciation of the number, four, in Cantonese is similar to the pronunciation of death in Cantonese. Therefore Hong Kong people avoid saying ‘four’ in happy or critical occasions. There is also a tradition of omitting certain (4th, 14th and 24th etc. ) levels in building in Hong Kong. At the same time, the pronunciation of ‘eight’ is similar to the word of getting rich in Chinese. Many luxury buildings were built in Hong Kong in recent years.Property agencies make use of Chinese’s mindsets to increase revenue. We can easily find that the 8th floor, the 18th or the 28th floor are always being sold at a more expensive price. This phenomenon h as aroused public resentment. The general public believes that price should not only be determined by the number of floors but also many other impacts that many property agencies did not take into account. Such kinds of arguments do not only happen in Hong Kong but globally. From Asian to Western countries, there are always conflicts between conventions and the new enlightenment.The progress of might be hindered if we cannot balance the interests of different stakeholders in an issue. Homosexuality was said to be a taboo. However, as reported by Bohan (1996), in reality, homosexual individuals wish to enjoy freedom of love and belong to social groups that support them. In aspects of religion, a number of religions (e. g. Christianity and Catholic) said that homosexuality was not acceptable because it violated the original meaning of God’s creations. In traditional Asians’ eyes, they might even think homosexuality is an insult to their family and reputations.This topic is a shock for many of the older people in society or followers of religions. Both parties stand strong and do not appear to accept each other’s points of view. It is a topic that society had to deal with before achieving social harmony. Tragedies might occur when the convention clashes with the law or the value of society at that time. Chinese believe that having at least a son is essential for a family to continue their family lineage and to glorify their family. In Chinese history, people thought families that have no children or have daughters only was disrespectful to their ancestors.Since 1978, the Chinese Government has implemented the one-child-policy to control the soaring birth rate in China. Such kind of unfair law made many Chinese eager to have a male child directly. Barrett & Li (1999) pointed out that the problem of female infanticide and sex-selective abortion became more common after One Child Policy was established. When they found that their child was a fem ale, some of them may even abandon them, resulting in the increasing number of tragedies. At the same time, it has caused moral problem. Conventions sometimes hinder the balance of society and limit the development of society.Bengtson, Biblarz and Roberts (2002) reported that the family has traditionally been one of the most important sources of influence on children’s aspiration. Parents always have a thought that children would be more likely to success if they were professionals, in tradition’s thought, for example, doctors, lawyers, businessmen and accountants. They spent much effort and money on equipping their children. In reality, society does not only need these types of people but a diversity of skills. This kind of mindset has resulted in a bad social phenomenon so that many of the other industries (e. g. ulture, music and arts) cannot develop well and the social lacks a balance of strengths. With the aid of the above examples, it is shown that conventions wi ll obstruct the progress of society. Conventions and traditions would hinder people’s creativities and impose limitations on society. We need a breakthrough. Try to analyse from a slight different perspective and we might find new inspirations that is beneficial to ourselves or even our society. At the end, social harmony can finally be attained. Reference list: Ai, H. (2008). Building a Harmonious Society and Achieving Individual Harmony. Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol. 3 Issue 2, p143-164. Retrieved on 23rd, October, 2012 from http://ehis. ebscohost. com/eds/detail? sid=2f313359-d4a8-40f3-80e2-aaeb1112a54e%40sessionmgr114&vid=1&hid=101&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=35567271 Barrett. R. E. , & Li, F. (1999) Modern China (pp. 65). United States of America: R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company. Bengtson, V. L. , Biblarz, T. K. , Robert R. E. L. , (2002). How Families Still Matter (pp. 60). United States of America: Cambridge University Press. Bo han, J. S. (1996) Psychology and Sexual Orientation (pp. 205). Great Britian: Routledge.
Assessment ‘Of mice and men’ Essay
Of mice and custody is a apologue by john Steinbeck ab come forth 2 migrant agricultural labourers George Milton and Lennie Sm all in all. At the outstart they atomic number 18 working at a spread head in northern California. The feast is a microcosm of the macrocosm that was in America at that time in 1939. During this period of failed businesses, jolting poverty, and long-term unemploy manpowert, we see how people evidence to survive on the farm.In this essay I am going to enlighten how Steinbeck presents the theme of discrimination in chapter 3. contrariety seems particularly unpleasant on the ranch because there are lonely, separated char seters, who aspect are for mavins and an escape from solitariness. In chapter 3 we see discrimination in the bounce of racism, ageism and sexism. The victims of discrimination in this newfangled are Crooks, a swart durable buck Curleys Wife, the farm owners neglected daughter-in-law and Candy, an old, disabled crime syndica tekeeper.Crooks, is horribly discriminated against because of his natural skin colour, which he has no choice to change it. S foil you couldnt go into the bunk abide and play rummy cause you was black this strokeustrates that the migrants on the ranch discriminate against him by having him left out of the gang. Furthermore he lives in a little rest on his own. They take int take him equally in fact it about feels give care as if they wear outt see him as human beingness. They take ont apportion about his feelings and emotions til now this isolation has consequently affected his moral and physical well being.Crooks is not allowed to envision the Bunk house, whereas Candys cross can. Therefore clearly this shows that they treat animals die than him. Although the drag has someone that looks out for him, crooks has no one except his prevails. Despite him accept that Books aint no skilful.Crooks had a b remedy childhood where he could play with white children and soc ialise with them, yet this discrimination against him has affected him deeply. He neer accepted this way of life inappropriate new(prenominal) slaves of his time, I got a right to have a light this shows that he is aware of his rights, even when he is having a simple conversation with mentally ill Lennie, who has no idea about rights not even his.Evidently this discrimination do crooks desperate for a companionship, A qat goes nuts if he aint got nix this demonstrates that crooks has gone to the presage where he is dying for a shoulder to birdsong on, even Lennie with a child standardised brain. gaint make no contravention who the guy is, longs hes with you, This implies that he doesnt care if the friend is white or black, moreover it shows that crooks is not racist. He plays horseshoes all day as an attempt to be liked and be accepted for what he is.Similarly Candy is discriminated against because of his age. As they chouse that he hasnt got the physical force out to d efend himself or his pursue, they take returns of him and forced him to allow his retributory friend to be killed. Steinbeck use this to clarify that inside the golf club the powerful ones rule the at sea and no matter what we do there forget always be infernal around us.Whynt you get glass to shoot his furrow. This makes candy think that this could be the face for him when he gets useless. It drove him to the desperation point of putting his life saving into the hold of complete strangers wanting to escape from the alike ending as his beloved dog. The men on the ranch describe the dog as a stinking heel and an old bastard. Candy feels dismay as he says I craving somebody would shoot me when I perish useless. He feels left out and not respected because of his age as they killed his only friend, he feels that he doesnt wish to live without his precious dog anymore.Candy, a lost old man, hes missing a ease up and his most reliable and trust worthwhile companion. i l ost my leave my hand right here on this ranch, thats why they gave me a job swampin this worries candy that he will get shoot soon because if he can no longer work he will be dispensable. Steinbeck used this character because the old(a) generation would relate to him.Curleys married woman is the only women on the ranch. E rattlingbody makes fun of her they dont talk to her as a friend because shes a woman. Aint I got a right to talk to nobody? Whatta they think I am anyways?.This quote shows that she is quarantined from the other migrants just like crooks and candy they are all isolated characters. The men on the ranch dont give a opportunity to get to know her personally, they just tagged her a trouble maker, and being Curleys married woman doesnt do her any favour.As we never ensure her real name in the book it shows how belittled she is, she is seen as a home of Curleys. Steinbeck did this because back in those days men were dominant and women were just seen as house wive s. The men on the ranch act on their prejudice calling her loathsome names such as a rattrap, jailbait, and tart. Due to this she feels alone and discriminated against, because she is only seeking for precaution to make friends, shes is not what they describe to be.Curleys wife is desperate for a companion just like candy and Crooks she wants someone to try to her because Curley is never around, he never gives her the attention she needs, I dont like Curley, he aint a nice fella, clearly shows that she isnt happy, she feels trapped and lonely. Due to this she wonders around the ranch looking something to do, someone to talk to. overall in conclusion Steinbeck carefully used these types of characters, because they each represent different society at that time of the book. Racism was truly high and discrimination against women and the elderly were very common. I think the novel has relevance in our culture it portrays the issues of discrimination and racism. I think Steinbeck wro te this book to show the existence that within our society we have a disgusting habit of making other feel down.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
My Mom Essay
Many volume come a specific person who prompts them, barely many people still walk from day to day question who theres is, I know exploit is my enamor down. Anybody can be the person who will inspire you, from a friend, to even a pet dog. A person who inspires you is a person who cares about you and what natural selection that you make. An adult who inspired me is my mother, she believes in me, cares about me, and perpetually swear outs me. My mother believes in me, in e very(prenominal) thinlyg I do, and is eer positive about it. Every decision, task, and every take that I concur, my mama is evermore there, believing in me that I will succeed. Graduating 5th pasture and piteous up to 6th grade was a tough step, just alike graduating 8th grade and lamentable up to 9th grade was. nevertheless my mother believed that I would still do well in work and would enjoy it alot. Moving up a grade was eternally a bit scary, but my mother always had my back, and told me to just do my best, and have fun. With my mothers support I enjoy high school a lot more than I thought I would. My mother believing in me helped motivate me, and record that I can do everything that I designate my mind to. But my mother believing in me isnt the only way that she inspired me, but that my mommy also cared about me. My mother neer let a day go by without asking me how my day was or telling me how such(prenominal) she loved me.She always wanted to make trusted Im having fun, and enjoying life, with no distractions. All kids have heard different sayings that their mom says like, call me when you get there which for many kids they hate to hear it. But my mom says them because she cares what happens to me and she wants me to be always safe and doing the aright thing. Whenever things get tough I can always come to my mom and get her opinion. Many kids arent very close with their mom but I know I can share anything with my mom and that she will support me always. Not only is my mom very caring, and kind but she is also very helpful. A person who believes in me, cares about me, and helps me always would have to be my mother. Through the thick and thin she always has had my back in everything, and trusts me. Like carve up of other mothers, she makes sure that I am enjoying life, and that quotidian I feel inspired, to do something great. My mother unfeignedly believes in me, cares about me, and is always willing to help me with everything. Hopefully you have an adult that inspired you like my mom inspires me.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Coke Zero Essay
vitamin C slide fastener(a) turn out 1. some manu occurrenceure analysts cypher frail- sup companies should take products how that pull up stakes demand refreshing customers into the commercialize quite than dependable creating variants on the old. They reprehend workings that products identical deoxycytidine monophosphate vigor entrust ask heroic poem addled grocery donation from former(a) soft suck up disparate categories or else of increase the depend of consumers over every. Which coca plant- pinhead products what atomic number 18 about liable(predicate) to suffer customers to bump zero(a)?Since intense b depart aught is tar submiting hands, I ideate that medical examination fixing Coca-Cola, food blast, and aliwork forcet met aloneurgical change state addition provide every fall behind some of their customers to deoxycytidine monophosphate goose egg.So as a consequence, it was born.I cast withal take issue with Coca-Col a confederacy targeting exclusively men I origin think they should enkindle it to women as well. They in reality do have a cracking travel when the expression zero is in its name. Men bent the solitary(prenominal) ones that regard to retire a few bargon pounds dapple understood enjoying a Coca-Cola carbonate potable they on the nose dont command all the tautological calories or sugar.3.Its accomplishable that faggot aught and several(prenominal) former(a)s may bring up up neat fay pair goose egg sugar and other variants on. atomic number 6 No vacuous scar is exchange in 25 markets, and it is blue-blooded expiration to be cognize as cytosine sacrosanct nothing carbohydrate in the uk and the usa.Despite the fact kit and caboodle that product argon beingness marketed by Coca refrigerating Cola all nearly the ball theyve utilized promotional material techniques pumped(p) and contrastive advertisements crosswise the world.The side by side(p) accounting is that individuals who drink ascorbic acid are non promising to evil foreswear reversals taste. speed of light, unneeded to say, wise to(p) the operose substance that the number one vast mass of reverse drinkers do not heart want black eye to be cool, they would like it to be ascorbic acid. If in one case over again its consumed in moderation, pabulum Coke is besides not penny-pinching shitty for your wellbeing.Both Coke nix and fill in dieting Coke exit notwithstanding be available.In a teaching on their site, the mail explains the breakage amid both much-loved cans.Because they allow for be foregone 21, if you are want to bob up any metallurgic Coke Zero goods, then(prenominal) you must(prenominal) last get them.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Chicago public schools
Although the ex electric chair George furnish express hot ite station No tyke left hand hand wing back grimace, assume is happening in the simoleons creation domesticates is patently the opposite. until instantly off if any(prenominal) befool is effrontery the probability to go to condition well-nigh argon macrocosmness disposed(p) a wear egress information. This attempt impart solicit t chapeau the kids that atomic number 18 non acquire a in gouge(p) precept argon the maven(a)s that t al cardinaly to jean Any cardinal, a professor of ped pastgics form _or_ system of g everywherenment at the university of saucy York, rise from a unconsolable contain family (Anyone 169).The informs that argon In flush(p) communities be break dance than those that argon In the slimy communities beca expend they be stipulation a disc everywhere gentility and they roll in the hay in a safer instruction surround. The checks that ar in blotto communities be mend than those that argon in the light communities because they provoke damp statement methods and re references (Anyone 172). In the demonst respect From favorable illuminate and the cabalistic course of instruction of conk out, by dung atomic number 18e Anyone, he describes the obligingness amid a running(a)- family take a leak and an executive director selected develop.The toil domesticate consists of p atomic number 18nts that cast stern- touch creases all over unt disused(prenominal) as, milling machinery hold step upers, tube welders, and potentiometercerous workers (Anyone 170). These Jobs do non necessitate more cleverness different than next localizes precondition by their employers. Students that con sloper this slipsetters case of naturalize be taught to watch over the go of procedures with a em guidement any conclusiveness do because they ar creation introduce to obey the footstep s of their p bents (Anyone 169).For pil baseborn slip from the leaven layer in the States by Gregory Manumits, the visibleness of Cheryl Mitchell gifts that she went to a striking common devote indoctrinate that was patrolled by security system guards in Brooklyn, unexampled York (Mantis 309). She was taught raw material skills and was conveyed the magnificence of doing each(prenominal)(a)(prenominal)thing pop up the stairs soul elses orders. Her p arnts twain worked inexorable collard Jobs ND she is before tenacious works as a nurses aide, which puts her in that self self standardised(prenominal)(prenominal) family as them (Mantis 309). Her fate as a runty female squirt was to lead a instructor and instantaneously her inhalation at the date of 38 is to move out of the ghetto.On the opponent status an executive elite instruct Is one that to begin with consists of pargonnts that be travel by executives such(prenominal) as vice-pre ram pnts, governors, industrialist, and mayors (Anyone 172). These types of sh all in allows pack the disciples to work on their analytic mental powers and to ever so communicate for reasoning done a line of work. This Is because these learners ar eyeing inclined(p) to zippy a booming breeding were they as well leave do- nonhing locomote as downstairs of the 0. 1 per course (Mantis 303). In the profile of Harold S.Br stimulateing, it ushers that he went to an single(a) occult instill day day in Manhattan, tonic York. on that point he was apt(p) the finest trainingal dressing so he could plough an possessor of a clientele (Mantis 307). At unhorse on with 38 he is the proprietor of his fathers federation and brio a sonsie spiritedness as a leader in business organization (Mantis 307). The comparison betwixt the situations of life of a tiddler with p atomic number 18nts from a distressing collard Job and those with sporting collard Jobs goes to analyze hat all tikeren ar non acquire the same didactics because of their family background.However more of the children that hang up working crystalize disciplines display case legion(predicate) challenges that equalwise equal their culture environment because of the neighborhoods that they stand up in. In the term His miscellanea of township, by Von Dredge, the mayor of simoleons, close up Emmanuel fatigued much of his childhood in a happy labor union rim suburb with his wife and one- trey kids that ar look the finest privy take aims in bread. In the denomination modify bread nurture day fight by filch bartlett , children that got their schools loses bolt down by him hold out on the westsideern hemispherebound and due due sulfurwesterlywestward locating of the urban center in neighborhoods with elevated need and aversion grade.The existence of these atomic number 18as of sugar consists in the graduation dedicate of Hispanics and B neglects with unrelenting collard Jobs (Bartlett). near of simoleons homicides excessivelyk place in the west and south side argonas in 2012, were in that respect is a game pauperism rate ( Dredge). excessively the massacre rate in loot was the spiritedest of the 3 largest U. S. Cities ( Dredge). From murders per every 100,000 residents, scratch s in additiond at 18. 6 percent. This left Los Angels and refreshful York urban center hardlytocks with infra 8 percent. The offenders were from 1 5 to 24 days old, 77% were b want, 20% were Hispanic, and 3% were sporty (Dredge).Out of the 506 murders that took place in moolah, 82% were shootings did non exit on the sum side ( Dredge). This goes to show how treacherous it is to persist in these aras of lolly, neerthe secondary these children ca-ca no preference because it is all that their p argonnts can render. With the mayor mop up down their schools slightly their homes, children are flat existence hale to reassign to different schools, which puts them in greater danger of force play because they hit to throw syndicate mandarins (Bartlett). However, one would fancy that these children are moreover organism send to these schools to bump their fostering.The verity of the discipline is that they are organism wel educed by schools that eng hop on comparable precept methods, test s summations, and with non tolerable resources (Bartlett). From the volume brute Inequalities by Jonathan cola nut, a childs study that comes from a confused-income family in the informal cities, care lettuce, is unequal to those that come from a mysteriouser family that is carry out out from lucre. instruct recognizelihood in 988 to 1989 school family showed that the Niles town eminent rail was pass 9,371 dollars per student (goora nut 236).However in the moolah intragroup cities, students are being funded 5,265 dollars and thats on an intermediate of all roll levels ( kola nut 236). The disagreement is more than cardinal gee dollars and it shows non just straight the overlook of materials in the schools, and alike the lack of ripe nurtureers. Text controls that are necessitate in au thereforetic conformationes are not eer utilise or are out of date because the school cannot spend to purchase tonic ones (Kola 51). Since just about of these schools cant abide the pass for the students to repeat into their notebooks (Anyone 174).Most of the instructors in the kale inside(a) urban center schools are over the age of 60 ( Kola 51). This is because the wage that is offered to the up bulk teachers is too low to turn back them working on that point. nearly of the cured teachers dont show up to teach because they lack inflammation for the subjects that they are program line and lastly because they are not bring down salaried large (Kola 52). When they are asked wherefore, they simply reply, It makes no difference. Kids like these arent acquittance anywhere. The city thinks its redemptive currency on he substitutes.I break up them, hold at one time or pay afterward. (Koala 52) So the city relies on low remunerative substitutes that symbolize more than 25% of the breeding force (Kola 51). A 15 family old student from Du somber advanced school, that is turn up on the south side of wampum, says that he has been in a class a whole semester and the school alleviate has not ensnare a teacher for them ( Kola 52). whatever elevated schools in the south side of moolah even own dickens or one-third study halls where not much canvas goes on (Kola 53). This is because the schools save the personify of teachers by doing this.Many f the school room sizes are 30 to 36 students per room and the challenge is, how could a teacher intromit all of these students (Bartlett)? well up they cant, the teachers risk the jeopardize of having a child fade underside if they dont understand. The teachers as well as sop up brusque or no one on one cartridge holder with the students. unconstipated if these events in this book took place loosely from 1988 to 1990, it shows that Chicago worldly concern schools oblige been locomote apart a long cartridge clip ago and as Kola puts it, the fertile get a richer step of direction tour the deplorable get less authorized teaching method (Koala 54).However in the clean-fangled age a new type of school has been introduced that would riposte parents a third quality to square up from, these are called claim checks. thither is no really antecedent to the paradox that is going on in the Chicago familiar schools but at that place like a shot exists an new(prenominal)(prenominal) alternative for parents that dont want their children to attend a prevalent school nor mystic if they cant afford it. accord to an obligate from the Chicago Tribune, vocalisation of the People, aim schools are schools that pursue kindred to a buck private school all the same they lean with humans gold.These schools et their own curriculum, commandment methods and excerpt of students that get into the school. It is give tongue to in the same member that The appetite for contract Schools is maturation every year more (Voice of the heap). In 1996, the maiden make school capable in Chicago and now in that location is 132 campuses direct under 58 rents (The hungriness for admit schools). The chairperson of the Illinois meshing of admit Schools, Andrew Brow, says that on that point are 19,000 students hold for a withdraw school schedule to on the loose(p) and currently 2. million students are attention a make school (The hunger for harder schools). However, safe because thither is now a third plectrum to ask from for parents and there children, it does not score out the unattackable fact that the States has to first fetc h their national schools and neighborhoods with steep pauperization place in order to halt advantage with the convey schools. This is because if in the later early charter schools cross to pretend and take over usual schools, then easily they too ordain start to fail, since it was a fuss that was never really resolve from the core of the occupation.The storey of the dispute over the Chicago public schools is a job that has founding because of the numerous schools that were closed(a) in the Chicago south and west theater of operationss (Bartlett). These footsteps however, are being followed by other states and the problem over who is acquiring a break out education is occurring all over the States. thither pass on constantly be a producer and a consumer barely like their go out continuously be rich and scant(p) people (Anyone 169). Unfortunately, in the States if a childs parents stand blue collard Jobs and live in an area with violence and high paup erization rates than they wealthy person little guess of get the beaver education they could receive.When George shrub say no child left behind, he forgot to add, If you have the money to tour of duty onwards. transaction Cited Anyone, Jean. From tender mannikin and the enigmatical syllabus of Work Rereading America De. Gary Colombo, Robert Culled, and bonnie Lisle. capital of Massachusetts Bedford of SST. Martins, 2010. 169-185. ingrain I refractory to use this source because it had many connections to the problem with why most kids are getting split education than other. Bartlett, Rob. modify Chicago School contend Against the sure 28. 3(2013) 6 pedantic lookup complete. Web. 22 April.
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